There is a term that the glibertarians like to fling about, "moral hazard", which essentially means the consequences to your actions fail to materialize because the rest of us are decent people. The local region politically supported the ideology that placed them in harm's way, and yet our desire to not see innocent people suffer means we will help them and the cost of their support for venal republiopaths gets obfuscated away.
Now, there were people in the area who did not vote for "freedumb", so they mostly should not have to bear the cost of their idiot neighbors' folly. But, more importantly, as you note, the greater fault lies not so much with the fools that supported the side that led to their lives being made worse but more with the charlatans who convinced those people to guide their lances toward windmills. Sadly, the real villains in this saga are deeply protected under the warm afghan of 1A.