Supernatural Events

This is my favorite reincarnation story:

Past Life Regression Story of Carroll Beckwith | Robert Snow​

I've been ghost hunting plenty of times, and all I've found was a goat.
We have been on many ghost walks and the most value, besides colorful stories is the historical nature of events, such as Galveston and the turn of the century hurricane that killed many.
We have been on many ghost walks and the most value, besides colorful stories is the historical nature of events, such as Galveston and the turn of the century hurricane that killed many.

I just like having an excuse to explore creepy old abandoned buildings late at night. I have seen a number of inexplicable things during my travels, like a pile of naked, headless Barbie dolls dumped on the floor of an old garage I found out in the woods, and of course that goat.

But no ghosts so far.
That was a beautiful story. Real mediums are difficult to find and they generally don’t advertise.
There was one place I went to I'm particularly proud of having found. We call it Corpsewood around here, site of a grizzly, supposedly satanically oriented set of murders back in the late 70's. It's in Summerville, GA, roughly 45 minutes from my house. Very few people knew exactly where it was. Most of the people who knew about it didn't want to talk about it. That I found it in the late 90's, when the internet was in its infancy, I consider something of a minor achievement.

It's probably the single most middle-of-nowhere place I have ever been. The town itself is a few miles up the highway, and you have to travel a couple miles of logging trails on the ridge to reach it. Of course, it's not conveniently located next to one of said logging trails. At some point, you have to leave your car, and march about 400 yards in a specific direction in the woods to find it.

Three trips to Summerville, and 4 excursions on that ridge. That's how many times trips I took before I managed to find it.

...and now, thanks to the wonders of the internet, you can now watch at least a couple dozen people make the trip themselves on Youtube.

That was a beautiful story. Real mediums are difficult to find and they generally don’t advertise.
The key to the story is that this medium had no chance to research this man’s life, nor would have been able to identify nicknames, with the always caveat that it is an honest story.
I just like having an excuse to explore creepy old abandoned buildings late at night. I have seen a number of inexplicable things during my travels, like a pile of naked, headless Barbie dolls dumped on the floor of an old garage I found out in the woods, and of course that goat.

But no ghosts so far.
I’ve told this story before, maybe you have heard it. My wife was missing a ring, we looked all over for it. She thought it was in her nightstand drawer. That drawer was completely emptied in the search for this ring, as in completely *empty*, and we could not find it. We left on a trip and came back a couple of days later and I opened my wife’s nightstand drawer because this is normally where we keep the bedroom tv remote, and there in the middle of that drawer was her missing ring. We have a security system so there is zero chance someone played a prank on us.

We also used to have a whirl pool tub with jets and after we would come back from a trip a screw-in jet nozzle would be laying in the tub. I guess you could argue vibrations from the ground, but this seemed unlikely to me becase being aware of this, I always made sure it was tightly screwed in. :unsure: That tub has since been replaced via renovation.
There was one place I went to I'm particularly proud of having found. We call it Corpsewood around here, site of a grizzly, supposedly satanically oriented set of murders back in the late 70's. It's in Summerville, GA, roughly 45 minutes from my house. Very few people knew exactly where it was. Most of the people who knew about it didn't want to talk about it. That I found it in the late 90's, when the internet was in its infancy, I consider something of a minor achievement.

It's probably the single most middle-of-nowhere place I have ever been. The town itself is a few miles up the highway, and you have to travel a couple miles of logging trails on the ridge to reach it. Of course, it's not conveniently located next to one of said logging trails. At some point, you have to leave your car, and march about 400 yards in a specific direction in the woods to find it.

Three trips to Summerville, and 4 excursions on that ridge. That's how many times trips I took before I managed to find it.

...and now, thanks to the wonders of the internet, you can now watch at least a couple dozen people make the trip themselves on Youtube.

So what is the deal with Corpsewood? Have not yet watched the video.
So what is the deal with Corpsewood? Have not yet watched the video.

Couple of guys who may or may not, but likely were a couple shacked up in a little mini-castle they built out in the deep woods of Georgia. Some good ole boys from town decided to hang out with them, do some drugs, and maybe a little more one day decided to rob them, and ended up killing them both.

What made it such an interesting story is the details surrounding it. They were a couple of rich, cheesy New Age pagan types, and decorated their house with paraphernalia of such, some of which did happen to look a little semi-satanic. The house was so difficult to get to that they had to hire a helicopter to lift a goodly chunk of the building material and furniture to the site. No one knew what they were doing up there, or even why they were there, and when they ended up being murdered at the hands of some locals, it just added to the scandal and suspicion already present.

The video I posted is timestamped at the point where they're making their way to the house, showing just how out of the way it is.