Texas gets $60 million in federal funds to strengthen power grid against extreme weather


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Aug 15, 2020
Cities are usually liberal by definition. And yea, many are plagued with crime and violence. It’s not new, it comes in waves, and political turmoil does nothing to help it.

But conservatives need to understand, cities cannot be molded to be like small, rural towns. But they always point to city problems and ignore problems in their own communities.

I say this because conservative states and areas are also plagued with unique problems of their own. The power grid in Texas and other areas unable to handle inclement or unusual weather is a prime example. Poor access to healthcare facilities, higher per capita gun crime and more are others.

I’d be much happier with oil and power companies sending customers a voucher for a free round trip vacation to Cancun each time they suffer a power-related emergency.

I’m not against the federal aid, but democrats should do responsibly what republicans are trying to do irresponsibly to the budget - match the funding with promises and regulations. Dollar for dollar matches on improvements that meet government standards would be one approach. There’s countless other ideas and options. But republicans don’t really care about fiscal responsibility, as noted by Governor Abbott’s costly stunts, like hanging up trucks coming through the Texas border and costing the US billions in GDP. Give Texas a credit of $60 million, then send him a bill for the remaining $8,940,000 for the nearly 9 billion he cost the country.
this is ridiculous. Texas power is for profit and they have chosen not to improve their grid. they jut said they will only be spending money on non renewable sources. But this is typical Texas gets a bailout again.

I was told there used to be a bunch of federal requirements that once existed that included things like weatherizing plants (and maintaining such things) and systems that better protected grid synchronization, but at some point it all got deregulated.

Texas has always received federal funding for their power grid. The vast majority of power infrastructure is privately owned. All of is nothing new.
I was told there used to be a bunch of federal requirements that once existed that included things like weatherizing plants (and maintaining such things) and systems that better protected grid synchronization, but at some point it all got deregulated.

Texas has always received federal funding for their power grid. The vast majority of power infrastructure is privately owned. All of is nothing new.
yes and they have abused it and not improved it. they are working to make it actually worse and not build more renewable sources