TF Guy! You know what it means

LOL. I’m sure Tucker Carlson didn’t mean this to be as amusing as it is, but it’s a sentiment with which I agree completely.

This is a plural TF Guys.

Virginia we need to talk.

Legislation proposed by Virginia Delegate Kelly Convirs-Fowler would have banned “cyber flashing”—what she’s calling the phenomenon of people sending unsolicited nude photographs. The idea came to Convirs-Fowler after talking with fellow real estate agents, who regularly deal with this kind of digital harassment because their jobs often require having a publically available cell phone number.

Although the legislation proposed by Convirs-Fowler was passed by a 99-0 vote in the Virginia House of Delegates, it was voted down Thursday in the Virginia Senate over some lawmakers’ concerns that it was too broad in its criminalization of nude images. The Senate Judiciary voted 8-5 to table the bill, and although it could be revived, it was clear that some senators were hesitant about the entire concept, with one raising concerns about First Amendment implications, and another wondering if it could be applied to art that contains nude elements.

I could absolutely understand concerns over the ways that criminalizing the sending of nude photographs could be used to further limit the options of sex workers, but the idea that legislation preventing unwanted nude photos should be wholly dismissed because sometimes relationships are on-again/off-again is iffy reasoning at best.

Delegate Convirs-Fowler was clear that her bill would only deal with unsolicited photos, and only apply to “obscene” material, which she believed would exclude artistic nudity. Despite an earlier draft specifying that the legislation would only apply to photos sent with “the intent to coerce, harass or intimidate,” she eventually introduced a substitute version of the legislation that eliminated the aspects dealing with intent and limited the bill to images sent “without consent of the recipient.”

In a tweet on Wednesday evening, Convirs-Fowler pointed out that all eight of the senators who voted against the legislation were men.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1362205687108009990/

And a regular Florida with it's nationally known asshole of a governor

On Thursday, a commissioner from Manatee County, Florida admitted to breaking the protocol for equitable covid-19 vaccine distribution by planning a vaccine drive where she only allowed residents from the two richest zip codes in the county to register and created a “VIP list” to allow her and others to skip the line. The commissioner who planned the “pop-up” vaccination site, Vanessa Baugh, did so under the direction of Republican Florida Governor and noted racist Ron DeSantis—although earlier this week, fellow county commissioners said that they weren’t notified about the drive, despite the fact that it utilized personnel and resources from the county. In fact, they apparently only found out about it through the newspaper.

In an email obtained by CNN, Baugh asked Manatee county workers to pull a list of potential vaccine recipients from two specific zip codes, 34202 and 34211, for the state-sponsored vaccine pop-up. Census records show that those two zip codes have the highest median household income and some of the lowest covid-19 infection rates in the county. They’re also overwhelmingly white—unsurprising, considering the massive racial disparity already evident in the distribution of covid-19 vaccines, despite the fact that the coronavirus pandemic has taken a disproportionate toll on Black communities.

Although Baugh didn’t offer an explanation for the choice of zip codes, Gov. DeSantis claimed that it “was a choice about where’s a high concentration of seniors,” though he provided no actual data to back up that statement. Shocking, that a man who once said that the “only serious race war” was against white people would want to set up a vaccine drive exclusively for the rich and white.

Seriously, how do republicans continue to claim gov't doesn't work? Seems to be working fine for them exclusively.
The thread about the power grid in Texas contains some of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen written… period. From tshrimp never being able to notice things that are on every TV station and news website, to Lostngone blaming cancel culture, to others defending the mayor… how did these people even figure out how to make an account on a website to post, or even how to turn on a computer? People who instantly blamed the green new deal for the disaster, now that they realize that was NOT the problem, are now calling it an act of “god” and really, nobody should be blamed!

Yeah, the act of God thing. I'm surprised The Don himself hasn't riffed more often on assorted quotes from the book of Lamentations, being as how he's always carrying on about how everyone persecutes him,,,, why leave out God.

"Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by? Look and see if there is any sorrow like my sorrow which was brought upon me, whom the Lord has afflicted."
-- Lamentations 1:12​
Anyway no surprise if GOP officials in Texas decide to start feeling singled out now. But wait until they find out they're on the hook for neglect of stuff God had no hand in arranging. Voters might not forget this gig.
In case any of you has ever needed a master class in how to drag someone, I give you...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1362751845299486724/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1363084270474960898/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1363232519273934849/

There's another part the 'R' bill that would make it a crime to hand out drink or food, as it will be construed as trying to gain a vote, and can get you arrested.
I... 🤬:brickwall:
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1362945211488419842/

Omigod. 😖 I said in the Rush Limbaugh thread that someone would want to do this, but I thought it would be Trump.

Figures Boebert would actually ask about it. She's fruit of the poison Limbaugh tree.
I gotta quit checking my news. ‘Cause I keep getting reminded of one of the many things about Trump I won’t miss: THAT FUCKING ETERNALLY ANGRY SCOWL.

Omigod. 😖 I said in the Rush Limbaugh thread that someone would want to do this, but I thought it would be Trump.

Figures Boebert would actually ask about it. She's fruit of the poison Limbaugh tree.
She probably got the word from that former guy. Good thing she doesn't have any actual power. You know, like the Florida governor who actually did call for flags to be at half mast for Rush!
She probably got the word from that former guy. Good thing she doesn't have any actual power. You know, like the Florida governor who actually did call for flags to be at half mast for Rush!
Florida is the state that lets people shoot black teenagers for no reason and with no consequence. This is expected behavior from their governor. They’ll probably do the same when George Zimmerman dies.
These fucking guys. Don't prepare their power grid for a once in decade event they were warned of, which shuts down their power grid.

But they are still charging their customers at an inflated rate.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1363317064807636995/

AOC tries to help
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1363553239883538436/

The power company's idea of how to help
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1362794151583109121/
These fucking guys. Don't prepare their power grid for a once in decade event they were warned of, which shuts down their power grid.

But they are still charging their customers at an inflated rate.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1363317064807636995/

AOC tries to help
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1363553239883538436/

The power company's idea of how to help
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1362794151583109121/
The response from the power company is beyond F-ing disgusting.
These F-ing legislators:

Just a reminder that, due to gerrymandering, Republicans have a solid majority in the Georgia legislature despite losing recent statewide races to the Democrats. So, they are using this ill-begotten power to make it harder for people of color to vote. One change - stop early voting on Sundays. This is in the name of “preventing voter fraud.” It supposedly has nothing to do with the fact that many people of color go to vote after Church on Sunday. I’d love to hear the argument about how votes cast on Sundays are somehow more fraudulent than those cast on other days.

Georgia - founded by racists, still governed by racists.

Oh, and the SCOTUS will continue to protect racist gerrymandering by lying and saying it’s “partisan, not racist.” And, lest we forget, the same right-wing justices who swore on a bible they weren’t “activist judges” invalidated a voting rights act passed unanimously by Congress.

We’ve got the White House, HoR, and (barely) the Senate. But we have a LONG way to go.
Helllooooooo Karen, you have to wait your turn like the rest of us...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1363885316197789701/
These F-ing legislators:

Just a reminder that, due to gerrymandering, Republicans have a solid majority in the Georgia legislature despite losing recent statewide races to the Democrats. So, they are using this ill-begotten power to make it harder for people of color to vote. One change - stop early voting on Sundays. This is in the name of “preventing voter fraud.” It supposedly has nothing to do with the fact that many people of color go to vote after Church on Sunday. I’d love to hear the argument about how votes cast on Sundays are somehow more fraudulent than those cast on other days.

Georgia - founded by racists, still governed by racists.

Oh, and the SCOTUS will continue to protect racist gerrymandering by lying and saying it’s “partisan, not racist.” And, lest we forget, the same right-wing justices who swore on a bible they weren’t “activist judges” invalidated a voting rights act passed unanimously by Congress.

We’ve got the White House, HoR, and (barely) the Senate. But we have a LONG way to go.
You left out my favorite parts, that gives the game away and shows their desperation

Absentee ballot drop boxes could only be located inside in-person early voting sites during working hours.

Provisional ballots cast by voters in the wrong precinct would be disqualified altogether. Currently, votes for all eligible candidates are counted.
Giving food and drinks for voters waiting in line would be made illegal.

So the plan is to make voting so unpleasant for others to discourage voting, by making it more difficult, has to be done in person, has to be a long line, and you have to just suffer in that long line.

Nothing screams your concern for voting integrity, then by making the most basic patriotic act as unpleasant as you can.

Kudos 'r's! :greenthumb:

These fucking guys. Don't prepare their power grid for a once in decade event they were warned of, which shuts down their power grid.

But they are still charging their customers at an inflated rate.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1363317064807636995/

AOC tries to help
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1363553239883538436/

The power company's idea of how to help
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1362794151583109121/

I can't imagine the look and feeling of shock for a Texan seeing AOC in the flesh, and helping them out.
When you admit your decision making with have NOTHING to do with the qualifications of the candidate, but instead some made up partisan shit.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1363873751662792709/