The Bladerunner Universe


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Aug 11, 2020

Will Bladerunner 3 ever happen? The subject of speculation.

The original my opinion:
It’s good, but it’s dark environmentally, so dark, the first time I saw it in a California drive in, I really did not like it. The story is about a guy hunting down 4 rogue Replicants., but it’s more than that, it’s about humanity, what is it to be human? But I really like the The Final Cut and Roy Blatty’s soliloquy touches most viewers revealing just how human Replicants are.

Bladerunner 2049
I will admit, this is not the story I expected, but it is the perfect link story, but more is needed. Hence my desire for Bladerunner 3. Here is another example before watching Station Eleven of a brilliant story that I suspect lacks enough action although there is both profound action and story, with a bunch of iconic characters.

Sapper Morton the bug farmer who saw a miracle and just wants to be left alone, the uncaring murder of a newly born Replicant by it’s human megalomaniac owner, while another Replicant Luv (ironic name) murders anyone who represent an obstacle to her master, the former Bladerunner hiding out in Vegas, and most poignant is K the good little Replicant Bladerunner who wants to have been born and finally makes a stand, in a near future world where a corporation acts with impunity, and the police are owned. In this setting there is the secret search for a Replicant who may have been born, not made, and the desire of the police chief not to see “the world broken” by such an event. The cinematography and story are fantastic.

Give me Bladerunner 3! :)
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Bladerunner (1982 Final Cut)- If we don’t destroy ourselves first, when human beings have the tech to create artificial human beings will they? I think so along with ways to try to transition human to AI. It would be too tempting not to play god.


How Bladerunner got it’s name:

Original Bladerunner: Meaning of the Unicorn dream- Undetermined. It was used at one point to suggest Deckard himself was a replicant, ie a planted memory, and maybe at one time it was planned so, or as a teaser, or as symbolic of Rachel. Bladerunner 2049 disproves Deckard is a replicant. and that Gaff who made the origami figures knew that Racheal was with Deckard. Be basically insinuates it on the rooftop, acknowleging a relationship. It's too bad she won't live! But then again, who does?

A new Amazon series is being planned:
Hopefully they won’t ruin it…Imo, typically TV shows based on movie franchises are diminished.
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I know some of you are getting sick of this thread already 😝 but I watched Bladerunner 2049 this morning and this is science fiction magnificence because instead of just dealing with conflict like many of the Marvel movies do, getting revenge, doing a job that goes wrong, excitement, adventure, fighting, or taking over the universe, BR 2049 is the kind of story that has been intriguing SciFi writers from the start, an examination of who we really are, what makes us human, and by what yardstick do we grant our selves special status/privilege in the Universe.

These themes existed in the original but this story really hits home with the emergent desire of a new and improved, post blackout replicant to be a person or at least to have the same rights as everyone else, who basically has spent his llife dealing with prejudice and being despised by most human beings,
  • Sapper Morton: You newer models are happy scraping the shit...because you've never seen a miracle.
Why the interest in a this particular replicant named Rachel?… procreation, both the threat and solution depending on your perspective. The police see this as a threat, tearing down the wall between humans and replicants. Replicants might think they deserve some rights if they can be born just like us. While the megalomaniac Wallace sees the issue in terms of production limits, he can only build so many.

Of interest Neander Wallace is an rich industrialist who has saved the world and apparently incredibly powerful. He seems to be at odds with the LAPD, but he can send his assassin into the Dept at will to murder anyone who gets in his way without repercussions. And that psychopath assistant for the cause named Luv, a real goal oriented you’re expendable monster, who has a serious ego problem, I’m better than you! she quips when she thinks she has won a fight.
  • Lt JoshI: The world is built on a wall that separates kind. Tell either side there is no wall, you bought a war or a slaughter. So what you saw didn’t happen.
  • K: Yes mam. You want it gone?
  • Lt Joshi: Erase everything.
  • K: Even the child?
  • Lt JoshI: All trace. Do you have anything more to say?
  • K: I’ve never retired something that was born before.
  • Lt JoshI: What’s the difference?
  • K: To be born is to have a soul I guess.
  • Lt JoshI: Are you telling me no?
  • K: I didn’t know no was an option.
  • Lt JoshI: Atta boy. <pause> Hey, you’ve been getting along fine without one.
  • K: What’s that ma’am?
  • Lt JoshI: A soul.
  • Neander Wallace: We make angels in the service of civilization. I make good angels now. That is how I took us to nine new worlds. Nine, a child can count to nine on fingers. We should own the stars. Every leap in civilization was built on the backs of a disposable workforce. We lost our taste for slaves, unless engineered. But I can only make so many.
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You sure about that? :p
Yes I am. :D

A light bulb the burns twice as bright lasts half as long. There are no recorded examples of a Nexus 6 living longer than their designed life span is there? Niander Wallace appears to have solved the lifespan issue, but this was for Nexus 8s and later. And he still desperately seeks the key to unlock reliable reproductive abilities In them.
Blade Runner Black Lotus (2021-22)- 64% audience review at Rotten Tomatoes. Animated series reported as underwhelming, yet high reviews at Amazon. Music incompatible with what came before (in the trailer) if this is important to you. Anyone see and agree with the former or the latter? :)

4.4 out of 5 at Amazon
Faces that look more like masks, misshapen hands, and they look hilarious when they run. They should have pitched this to an animation house running either Unreal or old school anime. The music is a horrendous mismatch for the Blade Runner universe.
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Yes I am. :D

A light bulb the burns twice as bright lasts half as long. There are no recorded examples of a Nexus 6 living longer than their designed life span is there? Niander Wallace appears to have solved the lifespan issue, but this was for Nexus 8s and later. And he still desperately seeks the key to unlock reliable reproductive abilities In them.

It only proves that Deckard was not a Tyrrell Corp Nexus 6. The movie only makes mention of Tyrrell Nexus 6s, but frames society in the general context of competitive capitalism. The possibility that Deckard is from a different source cannot be completely ruled out.
It only proves that Deckard was not a Tyrrell Corp Nexus 6. The movie only makes mention of Tyrrell Nexus 6s, but frames society in the general context of competitive capitalism. The possibility that Deckard is from a different source cannot be completely ruled out.
But that was state of the art at the time, what other source would there be? :)
Evángelos Odysséas Papathanassíou has retired at age 79. Better known as Vangelis, he scored the original Blade Runner movie.