What upsets you the most about the Bud Light boycott?
I can't say anything bothers me about it. I'm not a share holder. I don't drink that beer or any other brand, or any other alcohol on a routine basis. I care as much about this as I care about what the family three doors down is having for dinner tonight.
I will say when this news first broke, the two thoughts in my head were "what the hell were they thinking doing this?" and "Good for them!"
The first comment is just looking at the situation from a practical point of view. Given who uses that product, it seemed really dumb to make that step. How did they not see this coming? It seems, to me, an incredibly dumb thing to do from a business point of view. That's not rocking the boat, it's flipping it over, sawing it in half and burning the pieces.
But I also think Good for them! Personally I don't see why people in group A are so upset that an entirely different group of people might enjoy the beverage they enjoy so much. My enjoyment of a thing isn't improved or worsened based who else out there might also enjoy that thing. That seems super immature. A gay person enjoying a Bud Light isn't going to make them gay. A trans person enjoying one isn't going to affect them or those they care about at all. If Bud Light wants to expand their business into new markets, that's fine with me.
I suppose if Coke went into prisons and started getting their product endorsed by convicted rapists, I might have a similar reaction. And I suppose some probably do see supporting trans people as something equally bad. But that just makes me sad for those people. And it makes me want to cheer on Bud Light for rising above such things. Not that I care, but I'd encourage Bed Light to attract better customers and dump the redneck baboons. But even if they did that, I'm still never, ever, ever going to order a Bud Light. If I'm getting a beer, it's going to be a stout. If Bud Light went bankrupt tomorrow, I'd have forgotten about it 5 minutes later.