The End of an Era: Fry's Electronics Closing

shadow puppet

Jan 22, 2021
I'm guessing most here are younger than me but I remember when Fry's was the Disneyland for electronics nerds. I mostly went to the one in Redondo Beach, CA. It hasn't been what it once was for well over a decade. Circuit City was another to fall although quite awhile ago. Now we have Best Buy, Amazon and Apple stores.

As the articles mentions, the writing has been on the wall for quite some time though. RIP Fry's.

Oh wow, yeah, that's huge and sudde!

@RunsForFun I was about to mention MicroCenter since it's kind of the same (they saved me in DC one time due to a lost/forgotten power supply).
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I used to go to the Sunnyvale, CA and Campbell, CA locations. Least helpful and informed employees in the business. Helf the time they wouldn't know which isle to find something on and if you had specific questions about a product they just read off the box like you most likely already did.
That is sad news about Fry's...... Never have been in one or ordered online from it but had heard of the company for years. Microcenter is my electronics store of choice for everything (except, of course, Apple products, which I get through Apple itself), and I'm really fortunate in that there is one not more than four miles down the road from me. Printer ink starts acting up, running out and I realize that oops, I forgot to buy a replacement cartridge at the time of putting this one in? Oops, I've just run out of printer paper? No problem, just jump in the car and head to Microcenter, get my cartridge or paper and I'm good to go. I need or want a new external drive? Again, Microcenter is the place I check first, and if they don't have the particular item I want, then I order through Amazon. If Microcenter ever goes under, I'll be one unhappy girl!!