The Gross and Disturbing thread


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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Aug 11, 2020
We need to liven this place up. My wife showed me a video on Facebook of a guy in the emergency room having a large earthworm pulled from his nose. Turned out it was a fishing lure, minus the hook. I could not find a link to show you, but the obvious question that was not answered how did it get there? So in my searching, there are quite a few videos. For example, removing a tape worm from a patients eye:

I'm pretty sure you guys didn't know that neurocysticercosis is the primary cause of acquired seizures in the 3rd world.
We need to liven this place up. My wife showed me a video on Facebook of a guy in the emergency room having a large earthworm pulled from his nose. Turned out it was a fishing lure, minus the hook. I could not find a link to show you, but the obvious question that was not answered how did it get there? So in my searching, there are quite a few videos. For example, removing a tape worm from a patients eye:

"Thread", lol. I see what you did there. I expected the wormy to squiggle a little more. They've probably killed it before the removal.
Wow. This spaghetti I'm eating is suddenly a lot less appealing now than it was 5 minutes ago.

...guess I only have myself to blame for that. I saw the name of the thread, knew what to expect, yet I decided to pop in anyway. Oh well. It's still all your fault.
Wow. This spaghetti I'm eating is suddenly a lot less appealing now than it was 5 minutes ago.

...guess I only have myself to blame for that. I saw the name of the thread, knew what to expect, yet I decided to pop in anyway. Oh well. It's still all your fault.
Words of reassurance: a little exposure to worms is good for the immune system:D
I took a gross detour into "things on the body being squeezed" videos, haahaha, JFC, I actually almost heaved a few times, and I have a pretty strong stomach :D
Wouldn’t the the body attack it as a foreign body?
It reduces the risk of autoimmunity. The body actually learns what nasty means and doesn't have to fantasize about it.:)

I did not know.
Yup. That's it. Never eat undercooked pork:)

I took a gross detour into "things on the body being squeezed" videos, haahaha, JFC, I actually almost heaved a few times, and I have a pretty strong stomach :D
We really need a BLEGH emote for this forum. :p
I've only spent 3 years of my life looking at cadavers. Visual stuff can't gross me out anymore, but you can't get used to smells. There's a chance the wormy had its own lovely scent. I got sick once in medschool. I could take the squeak of a drill, or the sight of granular skull material piling up around a burr hole, or even the smell of a brain by one. But the combination of the three got me dizzy for a moment. The world is nasty.
I had opened the thread, mildly curious, even though I knew that it was likely to contain gross visuals, and read the first few lines of the first post and then scrolled very quickly past the image, as I didn't want to look at it....

For the most part I have a pretty strong stomach and don't blink an eye at things some people would be squeamish about, but there is something about worms and parasites that really bothers me. I don't mind seeing an earthworm or two when they're coming out of the ground after a rain, but I'd have issues with picking one up and baiting a fishhook with it!!!