The Johnny Depp Amber Heard Trial


Mama's lil stinker
Top Poster Of Month
Aug 10, 2020
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Johnny Depp has pretty much lost everything while Amber Heard has gained more notoriety and better roles. He's finally getting to tell his side of the story and it's pretty damning.

I listened to all his testimony yesterday and he came off to me as a weirdo. He doesn‘t talk like a normal human being. He may very well be telling the truth, but who knows what the jury will think.
I listened to all his testimony yesterday and he came off to me as a weirdo. He doesn‘t talk like a normal human being. He may very well be telling the truth, but who knows what the jury will think.

To borrow from some social media comments made about the Will Smith slap, we're talking about people who haven't set foot in a grocery store for over 2 decades. Their behavior shouldn't be shocking. Most celebrities are broken people and shouldn't be worshipped or emulated.
I can't even ... poop ... in the bed. She will never escape being Amber Turd now (I wondered why that was trending ...)
I listened to all his testimony yesterday and he came off to me as a weirdo. He doesn‘t talk like a normal human being. He may very well be telling the truth, but who knows what the jury will think.
Bizarre, isn't it? It almost comes off as pretentious in a sense and does not sound normal but who's to say. IMO this relationship was toxic on both sides, he just seemed to get the short end of the stick so I can see why he would want to take it to court.
the whole lot of them are weird and crazy but that doesn’t excuse any violence from either one (other than self defense).
Bizarre, isn't it? It almost comes off as pretentious in a sense and does not sound normal but who's to say. IMO this relationship was toxic on both sides, he just seemed to get the short end of the stick so I can see why he would want to take it to court.

Sounds to me like it should be a wash, but like some people thought OJ partially got off because of all the injustice black people experienced previously in the legal system, Amber gets a pass on behalf of the me too movement. In this case maybe me too should stand for women being just as abusive as men and getting a pass.
Listening to the cross exam today. There was a prior transcript from a court case in England, and he keeps contradicting what he said then.

"I did not punch you, I was hitting you" - Audio Recording Between Johnny Depp & Amber Heard​

About all that weed...

I can't even ... poop ... in the bed. She will never escape being Amber Turd now (I wondered why that was trending ...)
About all that weed...

Hahaha, I love that's supposed to mean, well, anything really. Heck, if they both smoked up all the time, there would've have been any hitting, just lots and lots of snacks consumed ...

"I hate you!"

"Well, I hate you too"

*both laugh*

"Want to order some tacos?"

I listened to all his testimony yesterday and he came off to me as a weirdo. He doesn‘t talk like a normal human being.
His hero/role model was Hunter S. Thompson. Go find a recording of the gonzo journalist talking and see if it sounds like Johnny is trying be him.
Not like she’s the greatest actress of all time, but it is kind of bizarre putting people on the stand who convincingly pretend to be somebody else for a living.

I was thinking the same thing. The mere fact that she's an actor makes it hard to trust whether her emotions are genuine or not.

It's easy with Depp, because he's not putting on any overwrought displays. He's treating the whole thing like it's some hilarious inconvenience, with the occasional bout of annoyance.
I pretty much look away from this mess. But saw this on Twitter earlier and a lot of it resonated with me. I think Heard is getting a raw deal and can't believe his complaint wasn't squashed.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1528020677651009536/
I pretty much look away from this mess. But saw this on Twitter earlier and a lot of it resonated with me. I think Heard is getting a raw deal and can't believe his complaint wasn't squashed.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1528020677651009536/
It is a hot mess that's for sure. The biggest takeaway I see here is that both have done some pretty messed up stuff but only Depp paid the price for it, Heard is a snake and at least everyone can see that now, abuse goes both ways and she clearly crossed the line.