The Johnny Depp Amber Heard Trial

I can't believe ever I dated her.

... or him.

It was originally my assumption that these was a mutually toxic relationship, though I completely underestimated the degree of chronic manipulation and antagonism (particularly in and after the relationship, but also in court) on behalf of Heard. Her could behavior could be said to be prime example of Borderline Personality Disorder traits and Cluster B traits in action. I trust the prosecutions psychologist’s BPD diagnosis. Her defending psych was not particularly convincing.

That said, I don’t think Depp is as innocent as people want to believe he was. He appears to have been suffering severe, concurrent poly-substance use and alcohol use disorder for years, not to mention anger management issues. Not to mention a mutually and highly pathological codependent relationship. Violence is not out of the question, but it also seems Heard was an instigator- not that should make a difference.

Anyone catch the cross examination of the defense’s psychiatrist’s who made an assessment of Depp (based off court records)? Talk about a nut job. They must have searched for the worst psychiatrist in the state. He was totally narcissistic and the definition of a hostile/combative witness. The things he said and his attitude were appalling to the point the judge had to scold him at least twice. His responses were so bad and over the top it was like something out of Law and Order.

Maybe he’s a great psychiatrist, but I think he just ended any future of a successful career with his behavior.
We are now in the home stretch of this thing, folks: actually, the jury has now been dismissed for the holiday weekend. Today's events were closing arguments and instructions to the jury, deliberation time for them, etc., and I'm sure everyone involved was hoping for a quick conclusion to this mess. No such luck....

As a local, this has been fascinating reading every day in The Washington Post; no way I would be going anywhere near that courthouse (which is just a few miles down the road from me) during all of this!
I've only been paying the loosest amount of attention to this trial. That said, I did see this just now, and thought it was funny.

From what I have gathered, Johnny Depp's fans have turned out in droves both in person at the courthouse and online, while Amber Heard has had only a few in person and a lot of comments online have been very negative towards her, and yes, there apparently have been some memes created as well (I haven't seen any so don't know if they are genuinely funny or if they are mean and cruel).

I'd never even heard of Amber Heard until all this came up, although I am familiar with Johnny Depp going way back to "Edward Scissorhands" and such.... Had no knowledge of his personal life and certainly this trial has been eye-opening with what has come out regarding both of them. I agree with those who say that they were definitely in a toxic relationship from the get-go and each has his or her own role that they have played throughout the time of their relationship and brief marriage. Regardless of how the jury decides with regard to this trial and the issues raised in it, I have the feeling that in the end, neither of them is going to really go home a winner. I suspect that both of their careers in the film industry have been pretty much trashed. Both of them could benefit from some serious help, but of course the willingness to accept that and to work with it is another issue....
"Aquaman" is more than likely the kind of movie which wouldn't interest me so she could have had a starring role in it but I wouldn't know or care....
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1532097593714565125/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1532097593714565125/

Unless I missed something, it wasn’t Depp, but his lawyer, who was found to have defamed Heard?
Unless I missed something, it wasn’t Depp, but his lawyer, who was found to have defamed Heard?
Exactly, otherwise by all counts Johnny Depp was absolved of every one of her claims. This is a huge win for him, wonder if Warner Bros will step up and apologize for forcing him out while continuing to employ Heard for Aquaman 2. I'll hold my breath.
Not like this kind of talk didn't exist before the verdict, but this isn't a win for all men or a loss for all women, and yet these are the type of articles flooding the internet. They're both messed up people in a class most of us won't be in and can't relate to. It's littered with perks and hazards we don't have as well as an exaggerated sense of importance. In a lot of cases I don't think their behavior, good or bad, would exist if they were just "civilians."
Her crowning achievement is her 5 minutes as 406 in Zombieland. ;)
Well, that and completely throwing Depp to the wolves of cancel culture over false claims, costing him is career.
Her credibility was zip from the get-go as far as I was concerned, and she certainly did not present herself as a sympathetic supposed victim; oh, sure, she screwed up her face a few times to create the illusion that she was crying, while no tears actually came out of her eyes. More significantly, some of her actions or statements proved not to be the way they were being presented. She looks hard, she looks mean and I was surprised when a few times I saw comments referring to her as a "beautiful" woman. Well, I guess we all have different ideas about what real beauty actually is.....

Well, now at the end of the line of this mess, I'd say that now Amber Heard's so-called career is truly in the bottom of the tank, not that it apparently ever was all that stellar in the first place.

As for Johnny, he really does need to get himself into a long-term program which will really help him kick the drugs and the alcohol for good so that he can move on with his life and his career.
I know I'm late to the party ( actually I burned my invite if I got sent one ), but there's still something I'm not getting.

Why the F- was Ben Shapiro d- riding this s- show?

I have been reading today how a whole lot of women are concerned that if they do point out abuse ( A British judge did rule that the allegations were "substantially true" ) they can be subject to defamation by just stating they were abused. If I understand correctly the op - ed did NOT mention Depp by name, so the defamation is by assumption / association? Which can be seen as chilling. Also since the idea was to sue over the op - ed piece, since he wasn't able to sue Heard because of a divorce agreement.

Whatever. Now "people" who didn't have a dog in this fight can imagine this as some kind of strike against the "me too" ( which is why I think Shapiro got involved & of course because he's basically a bottom feeding vulture ) movement. Hopefully this ends this car wreck.
Whatever. Now "people" who didn't have a dog in this fight can imagine this as some kind of strike against the "me too" ( which is why I think Shapiro got involved & of course because he's basically a bottom feeding vulture ) movement. Hopefully this ends this car wreck.
Bingo! Rittenhouse already referenced the verdict for his possible defamation suit TK.