The reckoning begins... facing criminal charges for January 6th.

Still examples must be made and it must be clear to any who wish to go again in the coming days or weeks that consequences may include more lethal defense against any attempts to breach security at further permitted demonstrations. To participate in a permitted public demonstration doesn't mean you get to follow somebody who decides to ignore limits of the permit terms and just break into buildings. Are we that ignorant now or are a lot of people just lying about their intent when they breached Capitol security.

As for insiders helping... you gotta be stupid to imagine that it's really OK for Capitol Police to help you invade a building when others around you are smashing windows and climbing walls to get in. It's true enough that some of those photos looked like some of the followers were in over their heads as to wtf they were actually doing, i.e., didn't have a clue never mind a plan. Never want to hear a right winger in a social forum use the word "sheeple" on lefties again. Some of those insurrectionists talked later about having mixed feelings even while they were still in there. What substance or ideas have they consumed that deadens the gut level instincts that even lower species of animals have about whether they should be someplace they're exploring?

We cannot afford to dismiss this the way the GOP is trying to do, and in fact pretty much just did officially, in their RNC winter meeting. There's at least one clear example from history about the danger of just blowing off stuff like what happened on Wednesday. And yeah i don't care if I just Godwin'd the thread.
Not Godwinning at all, or, rather, Godwinning in a manner that strikes me as politically valid and depressingly historically apt.
Now Forbes says they will scrutinize any company that hires a former Trump press secretary as being suspect and possibly lying about their business.

Good to see Trump poisoning future job prospects for his supporters and enablers because even before Trump it seemed many there who were supposed to serve the people did little more than obstruct and pad their resume for a future lobbyist job. I hope many other bad faith gravy trains come tumbling down.
Yes I know 75, or 76 million people voted for the egregious Mr Trump etc, etc, but I still cannot envisage that putting the fact that you have served that regime/administration on your CV, or resumé, is going to be something that will look well when hunting out employment opportunities, other tha with a very specialised niche group of employers.
Now Forbes says they will scrutinize any company that hires a former Trump press secretary as being suspect and possibly lying about their business.

Good to see Trump poisoning future job prospects for his supporters and enablers because even before Trump it seemed many there who were supposed to serve the people did little more than obstruct and pad their resume for a future lobbyist job. I hope many other bad faith gravy trains come tumbling down.
We already know that prospective employers will look at your social media--Facebook, Twitter, Parler, etc. Frankly after this, I have no problem with them scanning your accounts for talk of revolution, Q-Anon, "Stop the Steal", etc., and taking those to be gigantic red flags. This is especially true in the fields of security, policing, health care, child care, teaching and the like.
Now Forbes says they will scrutinize any company that hires a former Trump press secretary as being suspect and possibly lying about their business.

Good to see Trump poisoning future job prospects for his supporters and enablers because even before Trump it seemed many there who were supposed to serve the people did little more than obstruct and pad their resume for a future lobbyist job. I hope many other bad faith gravy trains come tumbling down.
This is a pleasant surprise.
Yes I know 75, or 76 million people voted for the egregious Mr Trump etc, etc, but I still cannot envisage that putting the fact that you have served that regime/administration on your CV, or resumé, is going to be something that will look well when hunting out employment opportunities, other tha with a very specialised niche group of employers.

Blue areas of the country make up 70% of the country's GDP. So at the very least they severely cut back their future options.
Well, that was expensive.

Maybe he can pick up an In-N-Out burger on the way home.

I'd like to yell out at that guy "gee your mama must be proud..."

...but I did see in passing a reference to his grandma, who apparently is proud of him. The reference she made to Trump is plausibly ambiguous but might be enthusiastic.

A reporter for the local NBC affiliate WSAZ shared a video of Evans, who serves in the West Virginia House of Delegates, being taken into federal custody.

A woman who identified herself as Evans’ grandmother confronted the reporter as he was put in a car.

Asked for a comment about the arrest, the woman said, “He’s a fine man, and thank you, Mr Trump, for invoking a riot.”
We need to have a serious sense of urgency in arresting anybody associated with the insurrection. I read the following in a NY Times article:
The anger, resentment and conspiracy-laced distrust that led to Wednesday’s mayhem did not dissipate with Thursday’s dawn. Along with the smashed furniture in the Capitol Building, there were smashed expectations of a continued Trump presidency, of lawmakers held to account, of holy prophecies fulfilled.

Signs of potential violence have already surfaced. Twitter, which terminated Mr. Trump’s account on Friday, noted that “plans for future armed protests have already begun proliferating” online, including “a proposed secondary attack on the U.S. Capitol and state capitol buildings on January 17.”
The urge for more civil unrest is being discussed in the usual squalid corners of the internet. Private chat groups on Gab and Parlerare peppered with talk of a possible “Million Militia March” on Jan. 20 that would disrupt the presidential inauguration of Mr. Biden.

There is chatter about ride shares, where to find lodging in the Washington area — and what to bring. Baseball bats, perhaps, or assault rifles.

“We took the building once,” one commenter posted, “we can take it again.”

Full article:
So,,, the first time around some of the criminals seemed to be having a lot of fun.

Now they're going for an inversion of that old saw about reruns, planning to rewrite it as

"First time farce, second time tragedy." ...???

Well we already knew they were idiots. Supposed to play out the tragedy first and go for laughs the second time. What happened on January 6 was tragic for the nation --and for those who died and their survivors-- but I guess it was a lark for some of the perpetrators.

The second time around will not be amusing no matter how anyone saw the first go.

Do they really think after January 6 that the Congress is planning on letting Trump or his plants in his outgoing administration disrupt the deployment of all necessary force to protect the Capitol (and a presidential inauguration) against another round of insurrection?
You never know. My job pays 2x in those deep red states.

I'm not saying it will be impossible to find a good paying job, just restricted.

Of course there's always Wall St. They give zero fucks. In fact they've been completely removed from reality for at least 2 years. There's a good chance they've never even heard of this Trump fella.
Let's not forget that these lame brains were already primed by Q. They are under the impression that Trump the Great has been installing all his people in all the agencies (which he has), and that they, Trump's fans, were just waiting for the go sign when they would all take over the government. I'm sure, consciously or not, that's how they saw Trump's "march to the Capitol" speech.

They must be terribly disappointed with the results...which means we can expect further attempts.

Biden's presidency will almost certainly mirror Dubya's twenty years ago in one way: he will spend a good portion of his time with our intel agencies trying to prevent these American al-Qaeda from executing more terror attempts on the United States. At least one arm of that should involve the purging of law enforcement agencies, from the Capitol Police down to the sheriff's office in Bumfuck, Idaho, of racists and Trump sympathizers. You may not be able to fire them without cause, but you can damn well demote them to more menial jobs and let them know that they are being watched closely.
The thing that really angers me now is that most of these seditionists will not serve any jail time at all. Even Mr. “I have my feet up on Nancy’s desk” will only face a maximum of a year, and you know he won’t get that sentence.
The thing that really angers me now is that most of these seditionists will not serve any jail time at all. Even Mr. “I have my feet up on Nancy’s desk” will only face a maximum of a year, and you know he won’t get that sentence.
I will wait and see. It would be possible for them to throw the book at these terrorists... I hope Merrick Garland figures out a legal way to do that.
I guess since Trump didn’t specifically say “break the windows at the Capitol,” he bears no responsibility for what happened on the 6th? The logic of Republican congressmen.

Rep. McClintock of California regales us with his incredible insight:

Q: Do you hold the president responsible for what happened?

He never said, 'I want you to storm the Capitol and stop the electoral vote.' He gave a very provocative speech, which is a staple of political rallies. I think it was badly, badly calculated. I think it was irresponsible and he contributed to the events of yesterday. But it’s not impeachable.

Q: Are you concerned more unrest may happen?

As you know, I have supported a lot of what the president has done. I think he has done a great deal of good in these four years. I think his conduct over the last several weeks has been despicable. And I pretty much stopped listening to him. And I think that’s true of many, if not most, of his supporters.

Trump supporters have stopped listening to him? Is this guy on crack? Just wow.
Trump supporters have stopped listening to him? Is this guy on crack? Just wow.

The President of the USA was inciting "patriots" to whom he has lied and is still lying about the election, revving them up to go down to the Capitol, adding that "If you don't fight like hell, we're not going to have a country,"

And what the hell does McClintock think Trump supporters made of that exhortation?

Further, Trump said this knowing all our federal lawmakers and the VP were in there. When the insurrectionists broke in, some of them were yelling "where's Nancy, where's Nancy?", referring to the Speaker of the House, and they were not looking to converse with her. And the security was woefully inadequate and there were aides having to put themselves in danger to protect their lawmaker bosses. There were Republicans in there too, it wasn't just a collection of "librul Dems". It was the entirety of our Congress and their aides and regular staff workers plus all the employees who maintain the building and is facilities

And yet knowing all this, the Republican whips merely shipped out their talking points and the RNC national and state honchos have been in Florida partying down and re-electing McDaniel to chair the RNC again and putting in a Trump guy as her deputy, signalling that Trump's still the nominal head of their party. And they listened to McDaniel rant on about how we're not having another election like 2020 and the whole focus of the GOP now will be to try to revise out or challenge state laws that make it so much easier to register and to vote.

Meanwhile people who work in the Capitol are traumatized and the groundskeepers are building big fences around the whole complex and the RNC is brushing it all off as unfortunate and now turning on the Dems and saying that talk of impeachment or 25A removal are divisive. I think it's pretty divisive for a president to try to overturn the will of the people in a certified election that he lost.

How can this party rationalize what has happened to them and to the country at the hands of their guy? He has lost them the House, now also the White House d the Senate, and brought shame on the party over Trump's incitement of insurrection and his apparent unwillingness to interfere with the attack on the Capitol by summoning requested National Guard units.

People inside the Capitol with top tier phone number resources were begging for help during the incursion, from the justice department, the army, the Department of Defense... and the RNC is blowing off Trump's "rhetoric" as more Trump being Trump and suggesting anyway maybe it was mostly down to BLM or antifa, and signing up for another go with Trump after he leaves office . This in the face of self-described "patriots" taking photos of themselves for bragging rights of having busted into House and Senate chambers and offices

We have never had something like this happen in the history of the Republic.

Citizens of the USA can't afford to sit still for the GOP's usual tactic in the Trump era, their blatant Big Lie with a shrug if you don't buy the talking point. They have nearly lost their grip on power now and there must be consequences for the seditious manner in which they have tried to retain it at any cost.

In my wildest fantasy I want the whole RNC locked up for blowing this off. Those vile liars are as bad as Trump because their reputation for lying is not quite as bad as his so they might even come off as credible in alleging it was all down to BLM or antifa, This is so painful and wrong. It's not about vengeance for me, it's about just punishment of a malevolent rogue of a President. It's necessary to make it clear no President can do what he has done and escape the Constitution's heaviest consequences for abusing such great powers

I'd give anything to know what's been going on in the minds of the Supreme Court justices appointed by Trump as they watched this failed not-quite-coup roll out. And Roberts, wow., likely praying his court doesn't have to get involved in anything further to do with the manner or timing of Donald Trump's exit from his already nearly catastrophic presidency,