Trump supporters have stopped listening to him? Is this guy on crack? Just wow.
The President of the USA was inciting "patriots" to whom he has lied and is still lying about the election, revving them up to go down to the Capitol, adding that
"If you don't fight like hell, we're not going to have a country,"
And what the hell does McClintock think Trump supporters made of that exhortation?
Further, Trump said this knowing all our federal lawmakers and the VP were in there. When the insurrectionists broke in, some of them were yelling "where's Nancy, where's Nancy?", referring to the Speaker of the House, and they were not looking to converse with her. And the security was woefully inadequate and there were aides having to put themselves in danger to protect their lawmaker bosses. There were Republicans in there too, it wasn't just a collection of "librul Dems". It was the entirety of our Congress and their aides and regular staff workers plus all the employees who maintain the building and is facilities
And yet knowing all this, the Republican whips merely shipped out their talking points and the RNC national and state honchos have been in Florida partying down and re-electing McDaniel to chair the RNC again and putting in a Trump guy as her deputy, signalling that Trump's still the nominal head of their party. And they listened to McDaniel rant on about how we're not having another election like 2020 and the whole focus of the GOP now will be to try to revise out or challenge state laws that make it so much easier to register and to vote.
Meanwhile people who work in the Capitol are traumatized and the groundskeepers are building big fences around the whole complex and the RNC is brushing it all off as unfortunate and now turning on the Dems and saying that talk of impeachment or 25A removal are divisive. I think it's pretty divisive for a president to try to overturn the will of the people in a certified election that he lost.
How can this party rationalize what has happened to them and to the country at the hands of their guy? He has lost them the House, now also the White House d the Senate, and brought shame on the party over Trump's incitement of insurrection and his apparent unwillingness to interfere with the attack on the Capitol by summoning requested National Guard units.
People inside the Capitol with top tier phone number resources were begging for help during the incursion, from the justice department, the army, the Department of Defense... and the RNC is blowing off Trump's "rhetoric" as more Trump being Trump and suggesting anyway maybe it was mostly down to BLM or antifa, and signing up for another go with Trump after he leaves office . This in the face of self-described "patriots" taking photos of themselves for bragging rights of having busted into House and Senate chambers and offices
We have never had something like this happen in the history of the Republic.
Citizens of the USA can't afford to sit still for the GOP's usual tactic in the Trump era, their blatant Big Lie with a shrug if you don't buy the talking point. They have nearly lost their grip on power now and there must be consequences for the seditious manner in which they have tried to retain it at any cost.
In my wildest fantasy I want the whole RNC locked up for blowing this off. Those vile liars are as bad as Trump because their reputation for lying is not quite as bad as his so they might even come off as credible in alleging it was all down to BLM or antifa, This is so painful and wrong. It's not about vengeance for me, it's about just punishment of a malevolent rogue of a President. It's necessary to make it clear no President can do what he has done and escape the Constitution's heaviest consequences for abusing such great powers
I'd give anything to know what's been going on in the minds of the Supreme Court justices appointed by Trump as they watched this failed not-quite-coup roll out. And Roberts, wow., likely praying his court doesn't have to get involved in anything further to do with the manner or timing of Donald Trump's exit from his already nearly catastrophic presidency,