The Star Wars Expanded Universe


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Aug 11, 2020
In prep for watching the Clone War series, I decided to rewatch Star Wars Episode 1. Besides misplaced comedic elements and an unconvincing Annakin, not so bad. Here is the refresher spoiler summary:


Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Summary
  • Naboo- The Trade Federation is invading Naboo to force a trade pack with Princess Amidala.
  • 2 Jedi Knights Obiwan Kenobe and Qui-Gon Jinn sent by the Republic to negotiate the conflict are attacked on board the Trade Federation ship.
  • Little do they know that Darth Sidius is commanding the Trade Federation. Nor do they know that Sidius
    is Senator Palpatine who is tying the Senate up to allow
    the Trade Federation to force a trade treaty on Naboo. The Sith are thought to no longer exist.
  • The Jedi Knights leave Naboo with Princess Amidala and R2-D2 and land on Tatooine where they run into a very young Annakin Skywalker, a slave living with his slave mom.
  • Annakin built C-3PO. Jinn identifies him as Force gifted asks about the father and his Mom claims it was a virgin pregnancy and birth.
  • Darth Sidius sends his apprentice Darth Maul to kill the Jedi Knights and bring Amidala back to Naboo to sign the treaty.
  • For a pod race Jinn bets with Annakin’s owner for ship repair parts and Annakin’s freedom.
  • A brief fight between Jinn and Maul before they escape Tatooine and go to the planet Coruscant, completely covered by buildings.
  • Jinn believes that Annakin exists to bring balance to the force and pushes for Annakin to be trained as a Jedi Knight.
  • Palpatine orchestrates replacement of the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic so that he can take control of the Senate.
  • Amidala elects to return to Naboo.
  • On Naboo she negotiates a pact with the Gungans to fight the Trade Federation so she can sneak into the city.
  • Big Darth Maul fight on Naboo, Jinn is killed. Obiwan prevails over Maul.
  • Annakin larks around in a fighter that he more or less takes off in accidentally and destroys the Trade Federation Control Ship deactivating all the combat droids on Naboo.
  • The Battle is over, Annakin is a Jedi Apprentice to Obiwan, and Palpitine pretends to be a friend to Naboo and Amidala.
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