The "Wordle" thread

Wordle 317 2/6


Ok never had that much good luck before. No hits on the first word so I shrugged, figured well that's Monday for ya... and plugged in my second word, which had been chosen in advance to pick up any vowels the first one had missed. Happened to pick the exact word of the day. Shock ensued. Monday is looking up!

Somehow the bot rated this one 90% skill, 70% luck.
Wordle 318 3/6


Didn't expect to guess right at #3 since there were a bunch of other choices still possible.

Bot said 80 skill, 74 luck. I felt luckier than that, actually!
Wordle 319 3/6


This word is one of my β€œeliminate letters” guesses. I’ve even guessed it first before. If only I had done that today πŸ˜‘