The "Wordle" thread

I tried a different starter word today and was startled to get three of the letters in the right places in the very first line! Wow! Then I thought I'd really luck out and hit the word on the second line....well, that didn't happen and it took until the fourth line to get the word after all....

Wordle 327 4/6

Amazing how the two first guesses narrowed it down to one possible solution. Plenty of information gained by eliminating letters. Yay!

Wordle 328 3/6*

Oh man, I just missed a 2/6, my second word is sometimes the solution, when my standard first word has a certain result pattern (used one of my alt 2nd words based on the 1st):

Wordle 329 3/6



(That's Dave Grohl BTW :D)
I switched up starter words today and didn't use one that would have been really useful today..... Oh, well!

Wordle 330 5/6
