The "Wordle" thread

It really makes such a huge difference if one gets letters or not, especially ones which are the correct letters! Kudos to you, Pumbaa, that after three lines of zilch you managed to get a couple of letters and from there go on and figure out what the word is!

It sure makes a huge difference. What I however love with the game is that even zilch is a step in the right direction. For me three lines of zilch means fifteen eliminated letters, quite a lot!

According to after the fact-analysis by WordleBot: 669 possible solutions were left after my first guess, 2nd guess left 40, 3rd left 6, and 4th left 3. If my 5th had been incorrect there would have been only one possible solution left.

The only problem is that not all valid words are possible solutions…
A tricky one and only by luck and a wild guess did I manage to get it!

Wordle 491 6/6

Wordle 491 X/6


Still, perfect example of a situation where some greens can be more problematic than zilch. I think there are up to 14 words matching the pattern 🟩🟩⬜⬜🟩 here, for example, sporting a wide range of possible letters…

Though spot to be in (as I’m sure you already noted).
Oh, ha, had this on the brain :D

Wordle 491 4/6

Hello fellow Wordle fascists!


Tricky one!

Wordle 494 5/6
