The "Wordle" thread

Wordle 1,318 3/6


@Edd Man, that happened to me when I logged into a new browser (when I was prepping for a vacation) - 126 - never got that high since. Sorry the glitch got you! :(

Oh...and...Jinx :)
Wordle 1,318 3/6


@Edd Man, that happened to me when I logged into a new browser (when I was prepping for a vacation) - 126 - never got that high since. Sorry the glitch got you! :(

Oh...and...Jinx :)
Thing is, I only use my iPhone and iPad going back and forth. Also, it still has my max streak listed at the top of my stats but it somehow forgets my current streak?? I should contact the NYT and threaten to stop paying them $0 every month.
They restored my streak! FYI, you can contact NYT to get this done, takes a day or so in this case.

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