They are back Baby... (sort of) (completely!)

Yeah, maybe West and Sagal are undervaluing themselves, it sounds like a unified front would've been DiMaggio's preference. I'm sure they think about the salaries of voice actors for the SImpsons and grind their teeth a little, though Futurama never hit the popularity / cultural impact of the former.

I'd imagine it's also driven by actor's financial situation, someone like Sagal might think it's a fun gig, with reasonable pay, and not be sweating the income that much.

That too. West and Sagal may be doing it just based on their own passion for the show and their characters and the offer was good enough that their passion made up the rest.
As a professional performer, I find that the professionalism and treatment of performers scales almost linearly with how much the job pays. I used to make the mistake of doing gigs for low pay because “it will lead to more gigs” or “you need to get a connection with this director." In reality, accepting those gigs with crap pay just leads to more gigs with crap pay, and generally crappy treatment, and sub-par quality of performance. Once I started turning down things, and taking higher-paying gigs, it led to more higher-paying gigs.

I say he should hold out for a fair paycheck based on his skill and experience, and if he doesn’t get it, just enjoy his time off.
Bet this comes down to how Hulu treated the revival in the sense of pay. Obviously new shows tend to have lower pay and then goes higher as the show gains success, etc. Does Hulu see the revival as a new show sort of speak and treated pay that way? While the offer may still have been higher than an actual new show, it wasn't an offer based on the show being mature and successful, etc and that is DiMaggio's hang up? This sets precedence for future revivals and affects other voice actors ability to bargain with the network.
I also wonder how much of a role Billy and Katey accepting without talking to John first played in all of this. Had they discussed first they could've all went in united on their ask, it's hard to say. You also get the feeling those two are just happy to be working and it may not be so much about that pay, Katey is really out there doing a lot right now and I'm glad to see it personally.
Hahaha, how weirdly timely, whatever we were watching on Hulu was over and Futurama was queued up next.

" Bite my splintery wooden ass! "
This show has always had a cult following but I'm wondering if the reruns are doing so well on Hulu that it's the reason they wanted to reboot (again).