Think I just worked it out...

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Even if I take myself seriously, no one else ever does! 🤪

As my crowd of younger siblings (mostly boys) grew both taller and old enough to realize I was not at quite the same threat level as a parent when left in charge of them, I sometimes actually got up on a stepladder to at least get their attention if not their total obedience. Eventually I realized I was essentially on their side most of the time, after which point DEMOCRACY took hold in the place and we all had more fun. There's something about this crowd at TA that reminds me of that ambience.
^^^ Y'all settle down now, y'hear?!

[ ...starts to draw cartoon stick figure of Liz on a stepladder, screaming.... realizes can't draw without a third cuppa coffee, and anyway throwing pictures at Renzatic seems like a fool's errand, all things considered, especially from the thread "What I've Been Working On" over in the Tech subforum.]
I'm not your buddy, guy!

(yes, ima start using this meme everywhere now, you can thank @Stephen.R )
This thread started off with the best of intentions...


I had a great reply to this, but stupid Youtube wouldn't let me upload the video because of the music's copyrighted.
