This will make Trump’s “more money in my paycheck” look like chump change

Yes! Exactly!

But that might wake up some Republicans and make them realize it’s not their party that has their interests at heart.

And this is something that Democrats are particularly bad at: messaging stuff like this. They should be talking about this constantly from now through 2024, comparing how Trump’s tax cuts went primarily to the rich vs. Biden’s bill benefiting those who most need it.

Democrats should have one single overriding theme through everything they do and say: Republicans are not your friends.

I’m going to paint with a broad stroke brush here. Creative types tend to be liberal and generally creative people tend to be horrible at PR, even loath it. They feel their creation should speak for itself. In the world of politics that mentality doesn’t work. It’s like if you were a painter and by default half the world’s art critics loudly say your latest painting is shit and highly offensive, even shittier and more offensive than your previous offensive shit painting. Meanwhile the supportive critics just respond with haters gonna hate. That‘s not how you should support governmental policy.