Trump “will negotiate” for a third term

There's a physical limit on this though. Trump isn't in good enough shape to pull through 2 additional terms.

Yep, and the fast food joints have the receipts to prove it.

He's fluffing up for one of his kids to run...

Don't ever even think that again!! Go wash out your mouth with soap!!!!
I hope this nonsensical jabbering gets his base complacent. I want Biden-Harris to win in November with not a single doubt about the voters' intentions.

If it's close in several states with days/weeks of counting and recounting, this is just the setup for his claims of Dem-rigging of the elections.
I hope this nonsensical jabbering gets his base complacent. I want Biden-Harris to win in November with not a single doubt about the voters' intentions.

If it's close in several states with days/weeks of counting and recounting, this is just the setup for his claims of Dem-rigging of the elections.
fivethirtyeight estimates the likelihood of a recount to decide to be ~5%. I'd agree with the very unlikely mark on this scenario.
I expect AZ, MI, WI to be straight up blue. The additional 6 electoral seats necessary could come from any of OH, NC, PA, FL. So he'll need to recount in all 4 of these.
There's a physical limit on this though. Trump isn't in good enough shape to pull through 2 additional terms. He's fluffing up for one of his kids to run..

youre right on both his own physical fitness and preparing for attempt at dynasty.

regarding trump's physical fitness:

it strikes me as a very high probability that the current President will actually COVID-19 before the election.

i have really been waiting very eagerly to hear NYT or WP reporting scoop on the machinations in place to try to prevent him from being infected so far.

finally, only just yesterday, there was an interesting report that trump rally in Henderson actually REQUIRED all the supporters sitting in the back of trump to wear masks.
the video i have seen actually shows about 95% ( a really high percentage for trump supporters) wearing masks.
so the reporting as to there being a requirement was likely a fact.

it is so like trump to require his supporters to wear masks only to protect himself.
we know he was advised that it was an airborne virus.
and yet he politicised masks.

anyway, i think there is a high likelihood that he will contract this before the election given his entire family and election base and donor anti-science, anti-intellectual bent, no matter what precautions they implement.
...anyway, i think there is a high likelihood that he will contract this before the election given his entire family and election base and donor anti-science, anti-intellectual bent, no matter what precautions they implement.
They’ve got him in a pretty protective bubble, but sooner or later his luck’s going to run out.

I think my sister’s likely to get it first. She’s a big Trumper—she and her husband wanted to be delegates to the 2016 convention—and they live in Henderson. 😏 Wouldn’t be surprised if they went to this thing.
youre right on both his own physical fitness and preparing for attempt at dynasty.

regarding trump's physical fitness:

it strikes me as a very high probability that the current President will actually COVID-19 before the election.

i have really been waiting very eagerly to hear NYT or WP reporting scoop on the machinations in place to try to prevent him from being infected so far.

finally, only just yesterday, there was an interesting report that trump rally in Henderson actually REQUIRED all the supporters sitting in the back of trump to wear masks.
the video i have seen actually shows about 95% ( a really high percentage for trump supporters) wearing masks.
so the reporting as to there being a requirement was likely a fact.

it is so like trump to require his supporters to wear masks only to protect himself.
we know he was advised that it was an airborne virus.
and yet he politicised masks.

anyway, i think there is a high likelihood that he will contract this before the election given his entire family and election base and donor anti-science, anti-intellectual bent, no matter what precautions they implement.
I don't think he's going to get it. I suspect they've even tested people at the WH Lawn at the RNC.

It's a nice catch BTW, I wouldn't have noticed that the people close to Trump were the only ones wearing masks at the rally. It was really like WTF. People who vote for a "leader" like this really deserve him.
They’ve got him in a pretty protective bubble, but sooner or later his luck’s going to run out.

I think my sister’s likely to get it first. She’s a big Trumper—she and her husband wanted to be delegates to the 2016 convention—and they live in Henderson. 😏 Wouldn’t be surprised if they went to this thing.

@Thomas Veil: As my sister-in-law asked me last night when we chatted on the phone, how on Earth can any woman with a titter of wit, or some decent semblance of education, (and/or not in some way subservient to a husband, or someone who has internalised those 50s values which argued that only males are competent to judge hoe the daily ought to cast its ballot) actually choose to vote for Mr Trump?
I hope this nonsensical jabbering gets his base complacent. I want Biden-Harris to win in November with not a single doubt about the voters' intentions.

If it's close in several states with days/weeks of counting and recounting, this is just the setup for his claims of Dem-rigging of the elections.

Yeah when I'm really daydreaming, I become very fond of those far-outliers among Five Thirty Eight's model runs, the ones where Biden not only wins but the electoral college vote ends up like 500+ for Joe: 516 to 22 sounds good to me.

yeah i like this farthest out one for Joe.jpg
For a guy who wants to negotiate based on the concept of "lost time", does that mean the American people should be able to a year FROM 45?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1307730919852212224/