Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’

Trump doesn't care about the troops. He will still be supported by people who never served, but put "Support the Troops" ribbons or sticker on their car to look tough. He was popular with the troops initially, but they've seen how he really is and his support among military members has dropped precipitously.

Seb Gorka is the perfect example of Trump and his merry band of asshats and shit-weasels. Gorka drove a Ford Mustang, with the 9/11 commemorative license plate that read "Art War," and regularly wore web belts with a tactical quick-release.

It's all a pose for these guys, who wear tactical togs so they look like "operators" despite their desk-jockey bods. And, Trump is just that guy in a poorly-fitted power suit, who paws the flag like it's some shell-shocked beauty queen, and pretends that he cares about the troops when it's really about guns and gear.

Taking care of wounded veterans? Fuck that.
Big shiny, penis-rocket. I'll take a thousand!

That's the Trump administration.
Well that was fast. Trump tweeted an hour ago that Stars and Stripes is a wonderful publication and will continue to be funded [since a lotta flak went up over his prior decision to shut it the hell down].

It's telling that Esper is such a little bitch that he pushed this forward in the first place. He should have told the president publicly that it was bad policy, especially after Congress voted to fund the paper.

Esper's a fucking shit-weasel. And, I wouldn't let that fucker run anything more important than a Wal-Mart superstore.
It's telling that Esper is such a little bitch that he pushed this forward in the first place. He should have told the president publicly that it was bad policy, especially after Congress voted to fund the paper.

Esper's a fucking shit-weasel. And, I wouldn't let that fucker run anything more important than a Wal-Mart superstore.

Esper's losing whatever marbles he had on board earlier. With this thing he would have done better to leak it to Hannity that shutting down Stars and Stripes was going to cost Trump votes in the fall.

Trump doesn't mind getting his head turned around by Hannity because Sean seems to give him some spin material he can tweet when he does a rapid 180 on a decision. But the way the walkback on killing Stars and Stripes finally went down, it looked a lot more like Trump took a gander at mainstream press reports of pushback, weakened on it and then tweeted a reversal of his decision.
Thrilled to bits though that even Fox News has verified Trump's comments about the military.

Fox might finally be deciding that too much is nearly enough, on the matter of fallen heroes anyway (and possibly on other verifiable eyebrow raisers as the campaign goes on). Trump can't really get away with stuff like kissing the flag on a stage after reports that he mocked members of the military who gave up their lives in combat. Gonna be a lot of discussions around some military family kitchen tables.
Thrilled to bits though that even Fox News has verified Trump's comments about the military.
Really? I was wondering how they were going to tackle this. Apparently, my assumption that they were going to cut away to Scott Baio praising Trump was wrong. :D
Annnnnnndddd the opposite of dropping the mic
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1301955549244862464/

...and for the bonus nut shot
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1301904333286465537/
More Fox News vs Fox News
Fox News reported Trump never said that dead US troops were 'suckers,' but the network's national security correspondent said ex-officials confirmed he did

I can’t believe this story has gotten the traction it has.

I’m a navy veteran (got out in 2001) and I’ve long doubted that the majority of military members support Trump. Like any other job, you just want to feel that your boss isn’t a blithering idiot, and it’s so obvious that’s precisely what Trump is.

Cops, I’m not so sure about. I know two ex-police officers and they both voted for him. Only one of those guys will be voting for him this time, I think.
I can’t believe this story has gotten the traction it has.

I’m a navy veteran (got out in 2001) and I’ve long doubted that the majority of military members support Trump. Like any other job, you just want to feel that your boss isn’t a blithering idiot, and it’s so obvious that’s precisely what Trump is.

Cops, I’m not so sure about. I know two ex-police officers and they both voted for him. Only one of those guys will be voting for him this time, I think.
Well, we've always known he was saying things like this, when he attacked McCain is was appalling and I was surprised at how little impact it had. I think we're finally seeing him being held accountable for his words in a way he never was before, it's about time.
I can’t believe this story has gotten the traction it has.

I’m a navy veteran (got out in 2001) and I’ve long doubted that the majority of military members support Trump. Like any other job, you just want to feel that your boss isn’t a blithering idiot, and it’s so obvious that’s precisely what Trump is.

Cops, I’m not so sure about. I know two ex-police officers and they both voted for him. Only one of those guys will be voting for him this time, I think.

The protests have increased negative sentiment towards police, while Trump continues to praise them. That seems like it would increase the police vote for Trump. That being said, that’s a very small sliver of the overall populace.
Biden's ad is a perfect response.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1302300501401391107/
Biden's ad is a perfect response.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1302300501401391107/
Wow, that’s hitting pretty hard for the Dems but they've no choice with Trump. Bill Maher is going to love this. Many times he’s accused the Dems of not fighting to win.
Wow, that’s hitting pretty hard for the Dems but they've no choice with Trump. Bill Maher is going to love this. Many times he’s accused the Dems of not fighting to win.
There's no question that Biden will have to get into the dirt with him, so far he's beed doing a great job of it. There's no shortage of things to hit Trump on, he's just shedding light on them.