Trump down by 16 in post-COVID diagnosis poll

Well some Trump ad buys are getting yanked out of states in the midwest now.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1313930091823616000/
His campaign is broke and Biden's lead has widened in all of them. It's hard to see any path for Trump right now but we can't let up, Biden is saturating all of these states with ads right now which is good.
Have you seen some of Mr Trump's deranged tweets (on his own account, not the presidential one) today?

Beyond bonkers (for they accuse Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Hilary Clinton of treason).

At what stage is the 25th Amendment supposed to come into play?
His campaign is broke and Biden's lead has widened in all of them. It's hard to see any path for Trump right now but we can't let up, Biden is saturating all of these states with ads right now which is good.

Though as FiveThirtyEight just stated, a high Biden lead isn't something we should bank on, since Hillary experienced a similar bump a month before the election that later eroded down to 3.0% on the day of.

This isn't QUITE as likely to happen with Biden, but I wouldn't count my chickens until the eggs have hatched.
Have you seen some of Mr Trump's deranged tweets (on his own account, not the presidential one) today?

Beyond bonkers (for they accuse Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Hilary Clinton of treason).

At what stage is the 25th Amendment supposed to come into play?
As I'm sure you've heard me brag about before (because it's the coolest thing to ever happen to me online) I am proudly blocked by Donald Trump on Twitter

Though as FiveThirtyEight just stated, a high Biden lead isn't something we should bank on, since Hillary experienced a similar bump a month before the election that later eroded down to 3.0% on the day of.

This isn't QUITE as likely to happen with Biden, but I wouldn't count my chickens until the eggs have hatched.
You aren't too far off the mark here, in 2016 FiveThirtyEight gave Hillary a 71.4% to 28.6% lead over Trump. Now they're giving Biden the edge 84% to 16%, a better chance but we're still over 3 weeks out and if Trump can tighten things up he stands just as good of a chance IMO.

We can't let up even a little bit, in fact it's probably a good idea for Biden to re-launch the attack ads just to be on the safe side. If Trump ends up back in the hospital he can pull them again.
They should all lose their jobs for not doing it already. It should have been done the second he left in Marine One for Walter Reed. But he would have thrown a little boy tantrum if they’d suggested it.

Agree completely, but, while I am an elections' expert, I am not conversant with the finer points of US constitutional law as it pertains to the fitness for office of an incumbent.
Agree completely, but, while I am an elections' expert, I am not conversant with the finer points of US constitutional law as it pertains to the fitness for office of an incumbent.
He’s on mood altering drugs. Heavy doses of mood altering drugs. The kind that come with warnings to not drive a vehicle. So you can’t drive a car, but you can drive a country?
He’s on mood altering drugs. Heavy doses of mood altering drugs. The kind that come with warnings to not drive a vehicle. So you can’t drive a car, but you can drive a country?
I know I mentioned my father took it (a far less potent dosage) and said he felt like "superman" before passing soon after. However, when they dosed him down he became a very different person, anger like we've ever seen and said the meanest things that he never would have otherwise. It was actually pretty sad but it's a last resort drug.
CNN is now reporting a 16 point lead.

Have you seen some of Mr Trump's deranged tweets (on his own account, not the presidential one) today?

Beyond bonkers (for they accuse Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Hilary Clinton of treason).

At what stage is the 25th Amendment supposed to come into play?
Yes, it seems the closer we get to the election and the more he realizes he's doomed, the more unhinged he's becoming. You have to wonder how long until he starts chasing around White House staffers with a knife. I wish I were joking.