It's a bummer that he still has zealous followers trying to make mischief even now over the 2020 election. Now there's a halfbaked effort in the Pennsylvania state legislature among some Republicans to force an outside audit of the 2020 vote as Arizona has [notoriously] done. What, will they extend this idea one state at a time wherever Trump lost in 2020 what he had somehow won in 2016? How tiresome.
The GOP is divided between those who want to put the presidential race behind them and others eager to curry favor with former President Donald Trump.
The leadership in Pennsylvania first said nah we're not going there, we're focused on tightening up our election laws, but then said well maybe could do a selective review or some such middle-ground gig. Ugh.
It's godblasted June for Pete's sake, the USA is six months down the road from the prior election cycle and pols are already starting to run their ads for the 2020 Congressional races. And the Gop is still trying to overturn a free and fair US presidential election? They have no shame. The only thing still worth looking into about 2020 is to find out who all besides Trump and Roger Stone thought it was a great idea to try physically to prevent Congress from even completing the certification of the electoral college votes on January 6th. Could throw all those treasonous creatures into the slam for awhile and snap some people out of their play-acting about theft of an election. The GOP is some bunch of projection artists, I must say.
You'd "almost" think the Rs don't have any policy platform to expound upon, in order to try to draw more votes than their opponents in 2022. Or one might think the GOP figures --in desperation-- that the way to put a kibosh on further investigations of the roots of the insurrection at the Capitol is to try to get the 2020 election overturned by making it "fraudulent" after the fact.
I regard all this stuff as monumentally shocking and a complete betrayal of country and constitution by a thoroughly Trump-corrupted Republican Party. When are their erstwhile supporters and voter base going to wake up and realize that the attitudes and tactics they endorse when done by the Party of Trump are things they'd
never tolerate if the Democrats took such a tack after losing an election?