Trump says throw out the Constitution

Thanks for posting that link. Piece was well researched. Only quarrel I'd have with the author is whether history's verdict on Trump could ever be "kind" -- no matter the further course of his life in American politics and courtrooms.

I don’t think so. Roosevelt had some admirable qualities, a few everyone might like. Not so with trump being the stupid fool that he is and only admired by his faithful.
He’s self-destructing. His “style” was always unsustainable and never appealed to the majority of America. It’s been proven time and again, and he’s done nothing to expand his base. This BS won’t help.
Trump literally called for the termination of the constitution, and we’ve got geniuses who want to distract by whining about Hunter biden’s laptop. Think about your priorities people.
My god the right has such a weird obsession with Hunter's laptop. I don't even know if obsession is a strong enough word. Is there a better word for their very weird fascination with it?
My god the right has such a weird obsession with Hunter's laptop. I don't even know if obsession is a strong enough word. Is there a better word for their very weird fascination with it?
Any of these work for you?

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its about all they have. I mean we have a ton on trump all they have is a laptop.

I suspect it kind of correlates to a thing called outrage fatigue. The ridiculous enormity of Individual-ONE's mountain of BS is so great that eventually we just get used to the smell, but a solitary cat turd on the kitchen tile stands out in stark contrast.
I suspect it kind of correlates to a thing called outrage fatigue. The ridiculous enormity of Individual-ONE's mountain of BS is so great that eventually we just get used to the smell, but a solitary cat turd on the kitchen tile stands out in stark contrast.

Any one of the outrageous Trump deeds or utterances over the years would have done in the careers of a lot of other celebrities and politicians. One does finally in weariness just roll eyes at the latest, no matter how extreme.

Oh, treason again? Yawn...

Trump revels in that, too. He's been rubbing our noses in it ever since he said he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not even lose a single vote. Before that even. When he came down the escalator and threw his hat in the ring for the 2016 campaigns. When he insulted John McCain for "having been captured." And on and on.

I so hope the special prosecutor has all needed evidence and courage to recommend Trump be indicted for the improper removal and subseqent treatment of documents he took to Mar a Lago, and for obstructing justice during investigation of that case.

No one is above our rule of law. It's high time for Donald Trump to be shown that he is not an exception.
What in the world do Hunter Biden's laptop and business dealings have to do with an ex-President, who is reportedly still the front-runner for the 2024 GOP nomination, calling for suspension of the Constitution? You may as well have brought up Hillary Clinton's emails while you were at it. Ironically, the Constitution that gives Trump the right to write what he did is the very document he proposes to ignore and terminate.

In a subsequent post, you say “(Neither) of our opinions have any significance.” I disagree. Opinions matter, as do individual votes. Collectively, the willingness of millions of people to accept and not question whatever Trump says and does is highly problematic. I'm sure many Republicans will claim they either didn't read Trump's post or that he shouldn't be taken at face value, but the absence of unequivocal, loud condemnation is as dangerous as approval.

Did you read his post calling for the suspension of the constitution? Because Trump believes “Big Tech” conspired against him and for that he deserves a new election. This post came out shortly after Musk dumped the internal Twitter communications. Trump blames companies like Twitter for blocking the Hunter Biden story. And I don’t think it’s good that it was censored, but I don’t think it would have made a difference in the election.

As I have stated, Trump’s beliefs here are insane and incredibly toxic. I have no idea how what he said could possibly be defended… it’s quite explicit.

I think what we are seeing is evidence of Narcissistic Collapse, starting with his loss in 2020 and the fact his prospects are fading while his legal troubles are mounting and inescapable. quickly. Thus the emotional disregulation and burn the world down attitude we have witnessed.

I meant opinions are insignificant in the context of anything happening now and the end of his term. Of course opinions matter when it comes to voting. It will be interesting to see if he runs again or will be replaced. Right now he seems like the best choice for the DNC, which I find rather disappointing. I could potentially see Mayor Pete but sadly I’m not sure America is ready for a gay President.
But this is demonstrably false. It doesn’t matter whether you agree or not. Failure to deny something is not a tacit admission. It never has been. Hillary never denied running a sex trafficking ring from a pizza parlor basement. Why should she? But it’s obviously not true.

That’s a ridiculous comparison and you know it.
Yeah, I get the feeling you do not have a very solid or consistent grasp on the meaning of "con man".

Why? Do you think I don’t think Trump is a con man too? Because he is too and it’s relevant because he was the President and is trying again. And frankly I could care less about Hunter Biden, only to the extent of IF his father is implicated of wrongdoing, which I don’t believe has been remotely established.
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I mean, at least now he’s finally said it. I thought I remembered him swearing an oath to defend it, but “termination of all rules, even those found in the Constitution,” is the perfect thing to quote in the coming indictment, so I’m ok with it.
It’s called treason, and the fact that this menace still has his liberty to spout such poison is indicative of just how screwed we are as a Nation, collectively, it’s leadership, the sick bastards on the Right, and all the little Koolaid drinkers back home. If successful, it’s the recipe for failure, insurrection, loss of civil rights, the rise of Nationslism, Fascism, and implosion.

The worst of most of this, it was started and fueled by Shit Head, who demonstratively is not very bright, but there is one thing he has been able to do, appeal to millions of us, our dark natures, the racists, white nationalists, zenophobes, tribalists, even the poor lost evangicals who made a deal with the Devil selling their souls for their corrupt fantasy of salvation.

Now the good news is that it appears many of that group are waking up from their fantasy nightmare of Emperor Bankrupt. But is it enough to put this Rabid Dog in his place, behind bars? Not holding my breath. :mad:
That’s a ridiculous comparison and you know it.
Really? What was exposed by the laptop that Joe Biden needs to deny?

Every day, I hear “no comment” as the response from individuals and companies in reply to allegations of all kinds. It is absolutely false that “no comment” means “I did it.”
Why? Do you think I don’t think Trump is a con man too? Because he is too and it’s relevant because he was the President and is trying again. And frankly I could care less about Hunter Biden, only to the extent of IF his father is implicated of wrongdoing, which I don’t believe has been remotely established.
Who did Hunter con into doing something, and what was it he conned them into doing?
It's not so outrageous that Trump said it, we know he's always been off the rails but the fact that top Republicans whose every living word hedges on the Constitution refuse to say a word about it. There is just no line Trump can cross that's too far for them.
Ah, fetish is a good one.
Although fetish seems to be appropriate, I think this "scandal" has gone beyond the limits of the the english language. I think we either have start using new words or just noises with gestures. I'll leave the noise and gestures up to your own imaginations, but I'd like to propose a new word...
