Two Weeks Before the Election, the Head Loony Toon Has Lost it...

Hah, maybe! There are some memes floating around about that, I think.

He's just going to have fun at the planet's expense during his final rallies, let it all hang out... that is, anything he didn't manage to let hang out for the past four damn years.

On the other hand, it's not gone unnoticed how Trump has treated female reporters, and it's not like women who see those incidents forget them. Just in case some of us missed a few, relevant clips are turning up now just in time for early voting. Not sure if he actually fears powerful women or not, but he's likely very unhappy we ever got the vote.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1319765025582579713/

Yes, agreed, he does hate and fear and intense dislike women, - not least the physical realities of the lives of women - especially intelligent, educated and confident women who challenge him and seek to hold him to account, and decline to offer him the respect that those whom he regards as lesser beings by definition (the poor, people of colour, women) owe him as a matter of mere entitlement.

Worse, I truly believe that if the US electorate was comprised solely of males (especially white males, as was the case, historically), I regret to say that Mr Trump would be almost guaranteed re-election (and without having to have recourse to fear and fraud and bribery to achieve this outcome).
... especially intelligent, educated and confident women who challenge him and seek to hold him to account, and decline to offer him the respect that those whom he regards as lesser beings by definition (the poor, people of colour, women) owe him as a matter of mere entitlement.

Would love to know what Trump's aides hammered into him as prep for that debate last night with Kristen Welker as moderator.

Do you want to have a shot at winning re-election? Don't paste Hillary's face on her.
I saw some of Trump’s 60 Minutes interview last night. So much of it was off the rails. At one point he was challenged to show us his health care plan, and Kaylee McEnany brought in an absolutely enormous hardbound volume for Leslie Stahl to look at that supposedly was Trump’s plan. Stahl ends up telling us that in all of those pages, there was nothing about a health care plan.

For most of the rest of the interview, Trump looked like one of those school children who was being asked to give a book report on a book he hadn’t read. His answers were general, evasive, and often hilariously wrong.

Let’s be clear, he was being a dick for releasing his own version of the interview before CBS could, but he actually ended up doing the media a favor. Now people can compare both versions and see that what aired on CBS was not unfair, not edited to make him look bad. He did that all by himself.

I have to say, I tuned into the interview just after finishing watching “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane”, so with that in my mind it spurred the question as to who sounded crazier: Baby Jane Hudson or Donald J. Trump.
I read that exact same insanity in "the other place." Except it was his followers saying it as if they believed it.
They’ve actually been saying that for months already. They truly do believe that people are faking it.
Probably a holocaust denier too.
He is a true loony tune! I’ve already reported him for something. Never got a response though.
Biden was giving a speech this afternoon and both CNN and MSNBC were covering it. So I listened for a while.

I’ve no doubt he’s slowed just a step, but he’s still sharp and able to articulate his ideas in a clear and sensible manner. Trump on the other hand...there are so many times I listen to him and end up wondering What in the world is he talking about?

And Biden is the one with dementia? 🤨
Are there any safeguards in place to prevent a disgruntled outgoing President from going all scorched earth during their last several months in office?

I’m going to go ahead and assume the answer is going to be the same as it has been to much of Trump’s behavior in office. No, there isn’t. We didn’t think there would have to be.
You don't have to assume. I've already seen articles considering this possibility.

Just as Obama graciously did, it's customary to compile large briefing books for your successor with details about the status of various government departments.

But as you suspect, it's entirely possible that Trump and his entire criminal gang will leave zero briefing materials, zero notes, and may even destroy existing documents on their way out the door, either to cover up their crooked endeavors or just out of sheer spite. The stories I saw said that career civil servants are worried about this very scenario.

If they're smart, they're probably squirreling away reports under their bosses' noses.
Just as Obama graciously did, it's customary to compile large briefing books for your successor with details about the status of various government departments.

But as you suspect, it's entirely possible that Trump and his entire criminal gang will leave zero briefing materials, zero notes, and may even destroy existing documents on their way out the door
That is small potatoes, though, really. Biden has been getting PDB intel reports that the ShitGibbon is not even aware of, because they do not have enough pictures and praise in them. In terms of being ready for the job, Biden is already there.

The real problem is the administration. Cheeto-Faced Ferret-Wearing ShitGibbon is prepared to break everything he can get his little hands upon in the 70 days between the election and the inauguration if'n he does not get his way. And issue pardons like a publishing house. He will probably pardon Gary Ridgeway, for all we know.
Posting these here without any context (see MR ... or don't, they sort of work either way ...) :LOL:

