UFOs (now UAPs)

Regarding religion and the multiverse…
The idea of the multiverse is’nt that based on theories where the amount of matter in this uninverse doesn't add up, so a parallel dimension is postulated as a possible explanation for where it goes or where it comes from? It’s a great imaginative idea. I love Man in the High Castle. :D Any more than 3 dimensions + time, the 4th dimension is something we don‘t experience those extra dimensions directly so they would be something out of sight or out of touch? And something existing in those dimensions might be invisible…

So the ultimate problem is that:

A) These ideas came about not through experimentation, but rather intuition and mathematics.
B) We have no mechanism right now to test any of them.

One goal is to unify GR and QM, so string theory suggests one route to do so. No evidence for it as of yet, but the mathematics suggests that for string theory to be correct, you need about 10 dimensions, with most of them curled up and inaccessible. At this point, string theory really only gets the “theory” moniker because it does a good job of also explaining a lot of what we currently see. But it explains other things which may or may not be our reality. It gets coverage and is exciting because it is one of the few ideas so far that does unify the fundamental forces, but comes with side effects that are rather hard to swallow.

Not to be confused with the many-worlds hypothesis, which was an idea posed as a possible answer to the question: If quantum mechanics is probabilistic, what about the probabilities that aren’t picked when the wave form collapses? It’s a neat idea, but has even less footing than string theory, IMO. It’s a toy model.

As for meaning. Go ahead and throw me into the aburdism camp.