The concept of a deity is also well established.
The thing about "dimensions" is that they are abstractions. Some theorists, trying to work towards a Grand Unified Theory, propose something like twelve or eighteen dimensions in order to make their math work. The dimensions are mathematical abstractions, just like up, left, forward and eventually. When people blather on about traveling through another dimension, or multiple dimensions, or Across the 8th Dimension, it is that: blather, with no real substance.
I read a piece in Sci-Am years ago about sphere packing, where they found that around 6 dimensions, gaps started opening up in the tightest three-dimensional method, and as they went up in dimension count, they had to readjust their methods. But, the dimensions were simply mathematical terms, which is the only thing they ever are, and the spheres were just expressions of uniform radii, which is what defines a sphere. (And there are practical applications related to these kinds of studies, such as signal coherence domains.)
So, whenever you hear someone making lofty assertions about multiple dimensions, check your credulity at the door. And multiverses, which are emergent properties of multi-dimensional math used to formulate theories. And, until there is a way to test a theory, it is basically still a hypothesis.
Oh, I agree.

I’m participating over at the Mad About Politics forum and there is a a guy over there who when I said
without doubt we know very little when it comes to all there is to know and he wanted to argue that statement, as in the human race has our existence mostly figured out <giggle>
Regarding religion and the multiverse…
The idea of the multiverse is’nt that based on theories where the amount of matter in this uninverse doesn't add up, so a parallel dimension is postulated as a possible explanation for where it goes or where it comes from? It’s a great imaginative idea. I love Man in the High Castle.

Any more than 3 dimensions + time, the 4th dimension is something we don‘t experience those extra dimensions directly so they would be something out of sight or out of touch? And something existing in those dimensions might be invisible…
Good article:
Beyond the dimensions we can perceive, are there extra dimensions, and what do they do?
The Idea Of Meaning-
As far as religion, it is just the human desire for something more than this life. Speaking for myself, who labels myself Agnostic, I have either sensed something more, or I want something more. I have no clue what that more is, but to summarize, it is for this life to have meaning. And there can only be meaning with a continuation of consciousness or none of it matters to the individual. How could it ever matter without that element? How could you care?
If the totality of your existence is a measly human life span, than your life has zero meaning, period. And if there is zero meaning, than there is no point. We could probably quibble about what “meaning” is.
My position is, I don’t care how much you’ve enjoyed your life, in the infinite time line if you only achieve consciousness for a relative equivalent of a nano-second, your normal state is non-existence, you don’t exist as a matter of routine, so what if you experience a flash of awareness? Sure this is philosophical, but why even see the flash? Is that a celestial tease? It makes zero difference to you, your family, or anyone who has ever lived what happens in a uinverse where you don’t exist as a coherent entity.
Because I prefer to believe there is meaning in this existence, I believe, or better said I hope there is more, a continuation of consciousness, which can’t be mortal as we know mortal, so it would have to be another dimension or element of existence.