Upcoming ios/macos to have dedicated passwords app

Fortunately, I only have a few logins not associated with a website. The main one is logging into my university's VPN. For that, I just click into the first login field, and use a shortcut to run a Keyboard Maestro macro that enters my email and password.

Will this new password app be able to handle that?

Also, I don't think it's a good idea to rely on just one program to store your passwords--what if that app becomes corrupted? So anytime I create a new password I also save the login and password in a separate backup file containing all my logins and pwds.
Yeah, it's definitely a pain. Can't wait to be able to do it the normal way once the proper app is released.

And thanks for the welcome! After finally deciding that posting on MacRumors has started to feel like walking through a mine field, I was pleasantly surprised to find these forums and many of the same users I remembered -- and respected -- from better days on that site. :)
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I'm looking forward to using the Passwords app. But think I'll wait a week or two to first get others' experiences/opinions.

Just don't feel like mucking around with something that currently works great, but is a little annoying to use.
AKA Notes for me. I get tired of web based PW managers that may or may not capture a change or setup, then the next time I need it I get a blank box. It's just too frustrating so I just have a PW protected Note and put all the important passwords in that, I know it's not ideal but there's nothing more frustrating than unreliable crappy PW managers, this way I know exactly where it is at all times without a bunch of hassles to access 2FA or changing passwords because I can't recall.

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