Virginia county declares Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter this year


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Aug 15, 2020
debated on putting this in the who Christians have hated but this is so cool.
A Virginia county unanimously voted to observe its Transgender Day of Visibility this year on Easter Sunday – a move some critics see as "intentionally trying to offend Christians on the holiest of days."

The Fairfax Board of Supervisors voted 9-0 in favor of the proclamation last week, with one board member, Republican Supervisor Patrick Herrity, absent.
The thing is, Transgender Day of Visibility is always on March 31st -- and has been for a long time. It just so happens that Easter Sunday, a religious holiday which shifts around on an annual basis, falls on March 31st in 2024. Of course the Board of Supervisors passed the resolution this year, as they always do. Someone's trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.
People need to get over themselves on this type of thing. If you don’t want Easter to fall on an LGBT holiday with a fixed date, don’t take the risk with moving holiday dates by basing your religious holidays on the lunar calendar.
It’s not like they’d be any less enraged if it fell on any other random-ass day. The fact it fell on Easter Sunday this year just gave them an easier thing to bitch and moan about. They got over it. Already forgotten and onto their next outrage over something that has virtually no impact on their day.