Virtual Reality Gaming


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Aug 11, 2020
I was an early adopter of Oculus. Had version #1 dev kit in 2013. I modded Skyrim for VR, and spent the rest of the day with a bucket next to me:D (turns out FOV setting matter a lot:D). I have a HTC Vive, love it but never have time to use it with the kids around.

The essence of motion sickness with this type of gaming boils down to your eyes seeing a full field of visual movement, but your body not sensing it, and nothing visual to anchor you. So you can watch scene playing out in a window, a TV, monitor, and you are still anchored in your surroundings.

I have an Occulus Rift that I not looked at in a year. Some of the flight simulators can do a number on your brain. I don’t play them.

The OR wowed the hell out of me, but most of the games I play on the PC I’m using a Razer gaming mouse with 20 buttons, and a Nostromo keyboard device that is programmable and I program many of this buttons and I keep a cheat sheet nearby until I have basically memorized those buttons. The basic simplicity of the Occulus controllers and wearing a hood that blocks your surroundings, regardless of how amazing it is, is a limiter that really cuts down on what kind of games I want to play on it.

And I can’t imagine playing a first person FOV combat game like Cyberpunk 2077, where armed with a katana, I launch into a group of 5 adversaries and I’m basically whirling while slicing, augmented with speed modifiers. In VR, I’d either be puking my guts up or my head would explode. :)
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The essence of motion sickness with this type of gaming boils down to your eyes seeing a full field of visual movement, but your body not sensing it, and noting visual to anchor you. So you can watch scene playing out in a window, a TV, monitor, and you are still anchored in your surroundings.
Yup. Diagnosing and treating vertigo is my expertise. Some engines are just worse than others but it also depends on individual predisposition to it which I definitely have a great deal of.

The OR wowed the hell out of me, but most of the games I play on the PC I’m using a Razer gaming mouse with 20 buttons, and a Nostromo keyboard device that is programmable and I program many of this buttons and I keep a cheat sheet nearby until I have basically memorized those buttons. The basic simplicity of the Occulus controllers and wearing a hood that blocks your surroundings, regardless of how amazing it is, is a limiter that really cuts down on what kind of games I want to play on it.
I can see how it's an issue for sophisticated gamers. I'm overwhelmed by the buttons of my vive controller even, LOL.

And I can’t imagine playing a first person FOV combat game like Cyberpunk 2077, where armed with a katana, I launch into a group of 5 adversaries and I’m basically whirling while slicing, augmented with speed modifiers. In VR, I’d either be puking my guts up or my head would explode. :)
RAW data had a very good take on this. Though light fixtures don't necessarily agree:D