
Rain. More rain. Even more rain. Rain forecast for all 24 hours today, every single one, for a total of 30.7mm. So far they’ve been absolutely right. But it is kind of nice going to bed and listen to rain descending on the roof and windows.

Sunrise scheduled for 3:53 AM. Sunset at 9:38 PM. Temperature between 7 and 9 degrees Celsius. Yummie!

Warning class 1: High water discharge.
Locally flows can reach class 2 levels.

Warning class 1: Heavy rain.

Heading out, wish me luck. Or duck, perhaps? ☔
So we went from 50°s to 80°s and now we're going to be heading back to 50°s. *sigh* 😒

Yeah and right quick too. Guess we've had spring, moving on past our preview of summer to a hailstorm followed by more winter I guess.

I'm trying to keep up. It's dizzying.

summer preview.jpg
Today was a shiny, warm weather. I cleaned all the garden furniture.
If it doesn't change tomorrow I'll wash my car.
Still chilly in the evening... and in some days its June...
Talk about climate change...
That’s one thing I will miss when we leave here: the weather is very consistent (temperature wise), for most of the year.

Here in the Catskills they say if you don't like the weather, wait 20 minutes...

The climate data for May so far in the region bears that out for sure.

regional climate for May - southern tier of NYS.jpg
Here in the Catskills they say if you don't like the weather, wait 20 minutes...

The climate data for May so far in the region bears that out for sure.

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Melbourne (where I lived before thinking 365-day testicle soup was a good idea) is like that. Four seasons in a day basically.

i don’t generally get sick here. I went back to Melbourne several years ago and within 24h of being there was feeling the effects of the fluctuating weather.
Melbourne (where I lived before thinking 365-day testicle soup was a good idea) is like that. Four seasons in a day basically.

i don’t generally get sick here. I went back to Melbourne several years ago and within 24h of being there was feeling the effects of the fluctuating weather.

I welcome the still fairly reliable cool temperatures during summer overnights in the mountains here, it's just that otherwise in the spring season particularly, the range from low to high is often WAY broader than it used to be. I still had one winter coat downstairs here through mid-May, which is unusual.

Somehow the barn swallows still manage to nail the safe time to show up and start counting on bug hatches large enough to support them as they reclaim their turf and reburbish nests for the breeding season ahead. The month of May has been really cold in the low range this year, but it didn't get below freezing right here after the 14th, and the barn swallows showed up on the 16th. Big bug hatch on the 17th, like a restaurant opening for the season! Dunno how those barn swallows figure this out, nor why we apply a derogatory term "bird brain" for humans we decide have done something stupid.
That's still something that is hard to contemplate for me too... I mean I've been to snow in the mountains.. but living in it.... sheesh.

Speaking as someone who sees snow roughly once every three years or so, it's great the first night, when it's freshly lain upon the ground, and everything looks all mystical and brand new, but you're pretty well sick of it once 24 hours have passed.
That's still something that is hard to contemplate for me too... I mean I've been to snow in the mountains.. but living in it.... sheesh.

I still laugh remembering a weather-connected sequence of events from back when I was paired up with a girl from Mexico City in a high school student exchange program.

She came up to our place first, and it was winter, and she was fascinated by the snow (of which our location near Lake Ontario provided plenty back then, as 3-foot snowfalls were not uncommon). She couldn't get enough of sledding and (mild) snowball fights and cross country skiing. We had a blast.

Right, so six months later it was my turn to go live at her place. I walked into their living room for the first time and there enshrined on top of their console piano, as if some kind of prized statuary, was the pair of fake-fur-topped snowboots we had bought for her as a gift when she'd arrived up North...