Twitter this morning was full of bad portends. There's live footage of air tankers picking up water in California, footage of a 17-year-old shooting people in Kenosha, and the line "unsurvivable" linked to storm surges because of Hurricane Laura.
Jesus Christ. Everyone in the gulf region, get high and seek shelter. Wish everyone the best.
Newsroom zoom this morning was on point. We talked about gearing our reporters, and the budget is almost entirely survival/safety equipment. Forget cameras or laptops. It's helmets and respirators, water-filters, medicine, etc. We had a whole discussion about body armor, with some asking me what it's like to wear it—it sucks—and whether that was something we should invest in to cover stories in the U.S. RSF has given this stuff out for years, but maybe we need our own supply.
I remember our fixer stuffing an AKM into the backseat, and asking me if I knew how to use it. But, that was in a dusty part of the world far from here. But, I'm wondering if a reporter going to Wisconsin needs a fixer who can strip and clean an AKM while drinking tea.