
Now that I could go for! I dunno how it's going to get to a rather mystifying forecast of 61ºF here by Saturday. It's 28 at the moment and they predicted "up to an inch" of snow tonight... meanwhile I've heard snowplows pass by twice each way in the last three hours... but the weather app says we've had only 2" snowfall in the last six hours, our broke-ass county sure doesn't send out a plow for an inch of snow, and absolutely none of that data is hanging together enough to believe in a fairytale about a heat wave on Saturday. Waiting for the wind to shift back to the south because right now it's straight outta Manitoba.

All I know is I'm not going to look out the window just to be able to yell at my iPhone's weather app "you lie!". Whatever's in my snailmail box tomorrow can hold its frozen breath for the promised heatwave. I don't even have my boots brought downstairs from summer storage yet. Climate change makes me lazier every year.
From what you've said it sounds like our whiplash weather might find its way over there. Our high temperatures, consecutively, for December so far are 71, 78, 76, 59, 75, 51, 49, and 60.

Tomorrow and Friday we're back into the mid-70s before another plunge into the 50s for highs this weekend. :rolleyes:

Saturday’s gonna be interesting. Windy and unseasonable warm. That doesn’t sound too bad until you consider the rain (all but certain), downed branches (probable) and fallen power lines (possible).
Yes it is. That is a huge tornado.

And it looks like the storms are headed for me:


It looks to be a wild weather weekend all over the country... atmospheric river out west, big snowstorms east of there, tornadoes and t'storms further east in the clash of warm and cold fronts.

I saw some tweet the other day from a guy talking about how most of us hate Mondays, so shouldn't we let go of the superstition that an occurrence of a "Friday the 13th" is something to dread, and switch instead to dreading all iterations of a "Monday the 13th"... But it seems like the gods of weather are suggesting that it's really the weekends running up to a "Monday the 13th" that are what to look out for.
Be safe, my friend.

Thanks. We ended up with mostly a rain event. Not sure why, the the Interstate seems to be a breaking line for both storms and snow coming from the east. They will just dissipate or split as they cross the border. This time the heavy storms went south. Not good for the people in the coalfields as the ground was already wet and a couple of inches in a hour will cause flash flooding.

But the pictures of the devastation in Kentucky are heartbreaking. They always are, but 2 weeks before Christmas makes it even worse.
Wow the high parts of CA routes 50 and 80 may get up to 80 or 100 inches of snow from that incoming weather.

[ Translation for all you Catskills deer hunters from New Jersey, yeah not even chains on your SUVs' bald tires would help you out there baby.]

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1469429111307128833/​
My little Gotham-watching buddy and I were in the middle of an episode when we heard a bang against the house and looked outside the patio door to see a fairly big branch (about 2” diameter x 6’ long) had been thrown against the house by the wind.

And on my way to taking him home, a convoy of three electric company trucks, two of them with cherry pickers, flew down our street. I’m sure lines are down somewhere.
What the hell are they doing having tornadoes in December? Tornado season is supposed to start in April, or maybe March. Are they not aware of this?
It was 63° this morning. Now it's 38°. Lol
Yeah, noticed the same thing. It got cold in the house and I looked at my phone and went, "What?!?"

What the hell are they doing having tornadoes in December? Tornado season is supposed to start in April, or maybe March. Are they not aware of this?
It's obviously a conspiracy--and I can prove it. If you rearrange the letters in "tornado" you get "tranood".
What the hell are they doing having tornadoes in December? Tornado season is supposed to start in April, or maybe March. Are they not aware of this?
The year we had tornadoes here, we got hit the week before Christmas, and another tornado hit further east on Christmas Day. This is turning into tornado season.