I got stuck in my driveway this morning. Three decades living here and it’s the first time ever. Even turfed a piece of the lawn when the car decided where it wanted to go.
It’s too deep for my snow thrower. I really should’ve done it last night before it got this high. My bad. And I can’t get a snow plow company on the phone.
I’ll wait till later. I’m resigned to the fact I am not getting to work today.
Back in the good ole Minnesota days I used to enjoy the routine, I had my snow pants, snow jacket with hoody, insulated gloves, insulated boots, and full face mask, including goggles if required and I used to enjoy breaking out the snow blower, not one of those little single stage jobs, but the manly 2 stage and I’d marvel at the technology under my control as it blew the snow 15’ out onto the lawn off the drive way. And that was on a sloped driveway so more than once I fell on my keister or ended up hanging onto the handles while clearing the snow.
However, I do remember several times when the snow had actualy gotten to high for it, +12” or so, and not as fun, especially if it was wet and heavy, I’d have to alternate with a shovel to get the snow low enough for the blower intake And sometimes had to clear the throat of the blower.
And what got a bit annoying was when it snowed a couple of inches every day. I did have a pusher shovel and a bent handle shovel, too for that occasion.
Now I gripe about wrapping my lemon tree. In the big freeze last year a friend lost 3 of this trees... the hardship of living not quite in a tropical zone.