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Mama's lil stinker
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I think it was Brainpolice that connected us at first?

I always found VB to be extremely user friendly. This format seems to have most of the options that the latest VB versions offer. I'm on an older version that's severely lacking compared to the newer version that has the notification features you have here. This is very comfortable.

Yea...the primaries always create havoc, even among like minded members. Some people realize the the ignore feature is a blessing, and some just opt to leave. Message board veterans tend to chuckle and keep scrolling. I'm on one site that has virtually no moderation. There are quite a few racist/misogynist morons there, but I have them on ignore. Yea about DCJ. That's the board I referenced above. It literally shut down with no warning. I know the owner had a lot of irons in the fire, with at least one porn site if memory serves.

We still don't know what happened, and it really sucked when I lost touch with a few members who I didn't know from anywhere else. Many of us relocated and found each other quite by accident, but many are just gone.

In case you aren't aware...Eman passed away last year.

Now that's a headache that you haven't had in years! Nice guy. Pain in the ass on the boards, though.

I haven't read the forum rules yet. A few people are wondering about the level of moderation here? Thus far it seems to be a like minded group in search of Conservatives?

I'm on one board that is 99% Right leaning, without much concern for 'facts'. Not sure why I go there!
I did not hear that about Eman, really sorry and a little bummed actually. We had differences but the man was always entertaining and the center of attention whenever he posted. When I searched for him over at the site I found you at his first post was entitled "Environmental Man Rules" with a poll that said "Are you happy that Eman is back?" I literally laughed out loud, there is no better description of how he was online than that post. A bit of character and a bit of ego combined, he was always guaranteed to get a rise out of people.

He and I did keep touch offline over the years but I haven't heard from him in the last couple, I did write him about this site and now I know why he didn't reply. May he RIP, he was one of the good ones.

As for vBulletin I stopped using it at version 4 but it's good to know they came around with their notifications and all.

Looks like the ladies gave you the lay of the land on the rules, there really aren't any as long as people don't really act out, many of us here come from MacRumors forum where their rules are extreme and they've created a culture where users report every tiny little thing that offends them and heavy handed moderators issue infractions like pissed off prison guards who live to punish people.

This one of the reasons we've splintered off from there and created this site, it will be nothing like that, people will be free to speak, of course, as mentioned hate speech in any form won't be tolerated but people are allowed to spar and get into the dirt if they want. Feel free to spread the word on that. :)


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I did not hear that about Eman, really sorry and a little bummed actually. We had differences but the man was always entertaining and the center of attention whenever he posted. When I searched for him over at the site I found you at his first post was entitled "Environmental Man Rules" with a poll that said "Are you happy that Eman is back?" I literally laughed out loud, there is no better description of how he was online than that post. A bit of character and a bit of ego combined, he was always guaranteed to get a rise out of people.

He and I did keep touch offline over the years but I haven't heard from him in the last couple, I did write him about this site and now I know why he didn't reply. May he RIP, he was one of the good ones.

As for vBulletin I stopped using it at version 4 but it's good to know they came around with their notifications and all.

Looks like the ladies gave you the lay of the land on the rules, there really aren't any as long as people don't really act out, many of us here come from MacRumors forum where their rules are extreme and they've created a culture where users report every tiny little thing that offends them and heavy handed moderators issue infractions like pissed off prison guards who live to punish people.

This one of the reasons we've splintered off from there and created this site, it will be nothing like that, people will be free to speak, of course, as mentioned hate speech in any form won't be tolerated but people are allowed to spar and get into the dirt if they want. Feel free to spread the word on that. :)
I'm still working on a few from the old JPP. You'll probably recognize them. Some have concerns about the rules here, as it got out of hand on this board years ago. Of course, everything was out of hand years ago. ;)

I'm on a forum named 'The Political Forums'. That's the Rightie board I mentioned. What a bunch of sissies. Extremely heavy moderation, and everyone reports posts. The new Vbulletin has a feature where you can thread ban members when you create a thread. They use it at JPP.

TPF uses an antiquated version of Vbulletin that doesn't have notifications of any type. If someone mentions you with an @, you get a notification. That's it.

They have what they call tPF threads. You request it when you start the thread. It's supposed to be even more civil, and the thread starter can have anyone removed from the thread, no questions asked. No rhyme or reason.

I guess that's similar to the Vbulletin thread ban feature.


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I have to see if WWF is available on FB. The new Scrabble is only accessible on a phone. I don't use my phone for FB.

It has a stand-alone app or I wouldn’t play it. You can play without FB and just use a Zinga account.


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It has a stand-alone app or I wouldn’t play it. You can play without FB and just use a Zinga account.
I'll have to check it out. I wonder if regular Scrabble is there too? Or is WWF a Zinga thing?
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