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Blocks get greyed out when you run out of dsp. Make sure you set it up using 2 paths, otherwise you're using only half the dsp
Okay, so drop down the the next line then? I have my Boss looper running through the effects loop and run in through the FX 1 block but it has to be right after the amp or it won't work right, so I'll have to juggle things around to make this work. I'll play with it, thanks for the tip.
Welcome podgod!

You guys make it sound like the Helix is a pain in the you-know-what, ah ah!
I have my original Pod 2.0 and a PodXT. The XT makes me pretty happy still...
Welcome podgod!

You guys make it sound like the Helix is a pain in the you-know-what, ah ah!
I have my original Pod 2.0 and a PodXT. The XT makes me pretty happy still...
Well, it's more that dialing it in takes some time, but once you do it's like wow the sounds are amazing. I knew going into it there would be (and still is) a learning curve but it's a very powerful tool. Basically, the easiest way for me to look at it is to picture my real world pedalboard, then build it the same way in the Helix and that's what really opened my eyes to it.

It also has some decent tones out of the box that you can modify as well, just like the Pod XT and even to this day I maintain that thing still sounds fantastic, it's just a different toolset really.
Thats brilliant CC. A really impressive run through. love the little harmonic trick after the solo. You done Eddie proud!
Thanks. It was a labor of love... I had so much fun playing it. I think this is the key: approach anything VH with fun and abandon, and see what happens. I have a couple more that I need to record. Will make sure to post here.