well its not going well for trump in the courts.

right thats not going to happen.

I keep thinking that after Dec 14th when the now certified electors have met in their states' capitol offices to cast their votes as pledged, give or take a few faithless ones (but not the 37 Trump somehow thinks will decide to betray Biden)... then McConnell will issue some statement referencing that formal process and will calmly acknowledge election of Biden and Harris, the upcoming inauguration and completion of a peaceful transition of power. As if all the time and most of post-election events of 2020) either never happened or happened the way they usually do.

This is how the GOP seems to run their table now. "Act as if"... it's like when you invite the boss and his spouse to dinner and he makes an ass of himself, you still air-kiss his spouse at end of evening and help the dude on with his coat and chit-chat them out to their car... If Trump launches idiotic or damaging schemes, or events take place on his watch that are way off the charts of what used to be a norm, the GOP leadership just blows by it whenever they can finally stage or reference an event that looks more like part of what should have been happening all along.

The gaslighting is just astounding. "Oh I didn't see that car crash, I thought it was some old TVs piled up for the recycle pickup... did they show up yet, it's been so snowy they probably rescheduled it."
Court throws out TX case, Arkansas congressman who signed amicus brief says we should "come together as Americans" after January 6th when Congress will count the electoral votes and it looks like Biden will have won.

This guy must have read some tweets suggesting Pelosi just refuse to seat all these mopes in the 117th Congress if they signed that brief. Or else his constituency's response to his signing that thing was not a high-five.

Well it's a start towards normalcy anyway. A Republican critter is ready to think on January 6 that Joe Biden won an election that it was clear to sane people that he'd won by November 7. Great call after only 60 days.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1337580886859149314/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1337582517180792833/

I'm particularly fond of "Democrats run Washington". Considering the president is a republican, the republicans hold the senate, and the last 3 Justices were picked by republican hands. I can't imagine what it would take for republicans to "run Washington".
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Deplorables have such bad grammar, spelling, and syntax.
Language impacts and channels ability to think logically about complicated topics.
These people are incapable of complex thought.
What they are capable of however, is violence and obstruction.
Very soon all Republican Senators will need to speak in this White Deplorable dialect with its faulty logic, to be "understood" by these Deplorables.
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https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1337582517180792833/

I'm particularly fond of "Democrats run Washington". Considering the president is a republican, the republicans hold the senate, and the last 3 Justices were picked by republican hands. I can't imagine what it would take for republicans to "run Washington".
Paul F Tompkins, on a podcast, was swearing that “Parler“ is pronounced Par-lay. Don’t know if he was kidding, right, or wrong but I’m going with it.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1337582517180792833/

I'm particularly fond of "Democrats run Washington". Considering the president is a republican, the republicans hold the senate, and the last 3 Justices were picked by republican hands. I can't imagine what it would take for republicans to "run Washington".

I question whether these are real people. In the second second set of tweets, right hand side, second from the bottom, can you honestly tell me that thumbnail doesn't look like Sidney Powell with a beard?

Also, Pennsylvania's response included a response to the nonsensical statistical arguments that was similar to the one I posted at the other place. This pleases me.

Texas first alleges that “[t]he probability of former Vice President Biden winning the popular vote in the four Defendant States * * * independently given President Trump’s early lead in those States as of 3 a.m. on November 4, 2020, is less than one in a quadrillion.” Bill of Complaint at ¶ 10. It bases this astounding assertion on Dr. Cicchetti’s assessment, for each of the states, of the extremely low probability that the votes counted before 3 a.m. and those counted afterwards were “randomly drawn from the same population.” App. 4a-6a ¶¶ 15-19. 3 But the votes counted later were indisputably not “randomly drawn” from the same population of votes, as those counted earlier were predominantly in-person votes while those counted later were predominantly mail-in votes. And Texas’s own complaint shows why the later-counted votes led to such a strong shift in favor of President-Elect Biden: “Significantly, in Defendant States, Democrat [sic] voters voted by mail at two to three times the rate of Republicans.” Bill of Complaint at ¶ 39. Both this fact and the expectation that it would result in a shift in PresidentElect Biden’s favor as mail-in votes were counted were widely reported months ahead of the election.
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Paul F Tompkins, on a podcast, was swearing that “Parler“ is pronounced Par-lay. Don’t know if he was kidding, right, or wrong but I’m going with it.
Since the word “parler” is French for “to speak,” I always assumed it was pronounced par-lay. But that’s terribly erudite of me, isn’t it. Maybe they were going for parlor because salon was already taken.
Since the word “parler” is French for “to speak,” I always assumed it was pronounced par-lay. But that’s terribly erudite of me, isn’t it. Maybe they were going for parlor because salon was already taken.

I assumed it was the French pronunciation as well. Please tell me it's not Americanese for "parlor".

I figured the name (assuming French pronunciation) was pretty ironic considering it's long been a thing for the right to disparage France... "freedom fries" etc.

What really cracks me up now is learning that the right wingers on Parler and elsewhere are apparently talking about "succession" and how Texas isn't the only state should think of leaving the USA. And these are among the same crowd thinking all Americans need to speak proper English.

Well it helps underscore the fact we do need better education for everyone in the USA, whether or not we think we already speak English, and whether or not secession from the USA is a viable option for a group of red states in the world that we all face in the 21st century.

The wannabe secessionists need to start by quitting their assertions that it's lefties who seem to think everything is free. Becoming a standalone and having to carve out your own trade agreements and so forth is a complex and expensive proposition. Just ask Boris Johnson and those who voted Leave in the Brexit referendum.
Sorry but I can't get my head around not spelling it Parlor if that's what they intend -- a place to talk. "To talk" is "parler" in French and they used the French spelling. WTF. If they were going for French for some reason, and since "salon" was already taken, why not "la salle de séjour".... the family room....

Or you know, why not call it "down the end of the bar" and be done with it.
Sorry ladies. Trumpers don’t do irony on purpose.

Well, shows my bias.

She says "Give the widest freedom", I heard "Give the whitest freedom". Since it seems to cater heavily towards one sort of 'extremist', all the while wanting to dodge the potential results of amplifying such 'extremism'.

A platform that actively caters to a specific echo chamber, calling itself unbiased is a pretty impressive miss in logic.
Sorry but I can't get my head around not spelling it Parlor if that's what they intend -- a place to talk. "To talk" is "parler" in French and they used the French spelling. WTF. If they were going for French for some reason, and since "salon" was already taken, why not "la salle de séjour".... the family room....

Or you know, why not call it "down the end of the bar" and be done with it.
I see it going one of two ways, first and most likely is they'll start censoring people (like they've already done with that cop calling for violence against Democrats) or the Government will eventually come down on them. It doesn't seem likely that they'll be able to sustain a fringe site with no rules, all anyone has to do is look at what happened with 8chan.

On the other hand I support this in the sense that it gives these people a home and gets them off of mainstream social media platforms, it's refreshing not to see it as much and the internet is more pleasant as a result. I say let them nut out in their newly found echo chamber.
Deplorables have such bad grammar, spelling, and syntax.
Language impacts and channels ability to think logically about complicated topics.
These people are incapable of complex thought.
What they are capable of however, is violence and obstruction.
Very soon all Republican Senators need to speak in this White Deplorable dialect with its faulty logic to be "understood" by these Deplorables.
If those are even real people and not bots, Trump did said he likes the poorly educated. Many southern conservative states have poor public education. I suppose doing farm work doesn’t require someone to be intelligent, just smart enough to operate their own machinery.
Sorry but I can't get my head around not spelling it Parlor if that's what they intend -- a place to talk. "To talk" is "parler" in French and they used the French spelling. WTF. If they were going for French for some reason, and since "salon" was already taken, why not "la salle de séjour".... the family room....

Or you know, why not call it "down the end of the bar" and be done with it.

without thinking too much about it, i assumed it was coming from the French verb parler meaning "to talk".
and, with great irony of an utmost sublime degree, the Deplorables couldn't wrap their heads around the French pronunciation of par-lay so they need to pronounce it as par-lur.
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Sometimes I don't know why [other] great powers have us near the top of their worry-lists except in the sense we might end up so stupid as to nuke ourselves by mistake and make a mess they all have to deal with too.