General What’s Your Ailment?

I had my procedure today. Doctor did not find the easy he was looking for and took a biopsy. He says more tests are in order. Yippee.
Hope things get better for you soon. Feel free to vent anytime. Lots of positive mojo on the way to you, friend.
I just wanted to drop a note and say I am on the road to recovery, but I have had rough go of it so far with the pain. It was a lot easier at 41 to bounce back. Anyway… I am going to be lying low until I am my usual ornery self. @Alli my thoughts and good vibes are heading your way.
Ailment related…Medical plan decision time...
I’m currently on a secondary Aetna Medicare PPO plan (covers in and out of network), considering on changing to a Aetna Medicare HMO Plan (in network or nothing) everything about it looks better, but based on what little I know about these plans, my impression is that doctors dislike the HMO plans more than PPO, and there maybe less availability with network only. However my dentist dropped out of the PPO plan I’m on and crown went up 80% from $600 for a crown to $1000, and I’m switching dentists.
Any thoughts on the choice?*
Had my annual doctor appointment, triglycerides are high again, then they ask for a second fasting test which typically shows them normal. I have a feeling I'm going to be put on statins this time around though.
Had my annual doctor appointment, triglycerides are high again, then they ask for a second fasting test which typically shows them normal. I have a feeling I'm going to be put on statins this time around though.

Eh, it's not so bad. I got put on them to control my high cholesterol about 6 months ago, and dolphin grandma what eat the bagel is shape liek frien.
Had my annual doctor appointment, triglycerides are high again, then they ask for a second fasting test which typically shows them normal. I have a feeling I'm going to be put on statins this time around though.
I hope you don't like IPAs especially the Hazy type. Some of them put grapefruit juice or extracts to enhance the hops. Of course getting the beer maker to put in what they add to their IPA is next to impossible. I just stay away from citrus smelling IPAs now, due to almost killing myself drinking heavily of a brand (which I no longer remember now) that had grapefruit juice in it. It got so bad that I had gut pains and had cloudy/grey urine.

Had to give up drinking entirely for a while, until my liver functions starting coming around to normal again.