What are you doing today?

Just walked into my favorite bar, of any worldwide, and reunited with my favorite bartender. Goddamn.

Trying to get as much house cleaning done as I am able to with a messed up left hand. If health insurance comes through, I'm scheduled for hand surgery May 11th to remove part of my über arthritic wrist bone, fuse my thumb in place and repair (2) ruptured tendons. I'm scared to death.
Trying to get as much house cleaning done as I am able to with a messed up left hand. If health insurance comes through, I'm scheduled for hand surgery May 11th to remove part of my über arthritic wrist bone, fuse my thumb in place and repair (2) ruptured tendons. I'm scared to death.
Sounds terrifying. And painful! Hope you have a speedy recovery.

I spent the day doing absolutely nothing and I enjoyed every minute of it.
Grandpa was a bas grand[pa and bought his granddaughter a new bike. I bought her a balance bike last year but only when she found. friend who hand one did she learn to ride it. her parents bought her a cheap huffy princess bike but she cant really peddle it. She is only about 28 pounds and 3.5 years old. so I had to drop by the trek store thats only 6 blocks away and checked out bikes for her in her size. So I could not wait and bought it and tossed it on my bike and walked it back. she was pretty overwhelmed but was able to peddle it right away. I bet within a month we can take the training wheels off once she gets good at peddling.
Just walked into my favorite bar, of any worldwide, and reunited with my favorite bartender. Goddamn.

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The vaccine has shown us the light at the end of the tunnel, it's nice to see these places that have survived it finally getting a break, they've really suffered throughout this thing.
The vaccine has shown us the light at the end of the tunnel, it's nice to see these places that have survived it finally getting a break, they've really suffered throughout this thing.
Yeah, I didn’t make it clear that the bar had closed since last summer. I think a restaurant has to be very financially stable to close for 6-7 months. I can walk there in 5 min and it was a whim to go there yesterday, right when they opened. It was thrilling to see people I genuinely cared about still there.
My father died this day 16 years ago, and today is a Bank Holiday; anyway, both brothers have phoned - Decent Brother for a lengthy chat of an hour and a half, and Other Brother - laughing - for around 40 minutes, both very enjoyable conversations.
what's the difference between Decent brother and Other brother? (been curious for a while)
I am considerably closer to one than the other, although, these days, I get on well with both of them.

Decent Brother and I are friends as well as siblings.
That’s nice. But from what I’ve read over the years you have a very close family. Well certainly compared to mine!
In terms of ages are you closer to one than the other? Maybe that’s part of the reason you are closer to the decent brother.
There’s about 18 months between my sister and me. We were never close and it got worse in our teens. Then I left home at 17. Since then we only ever saw each other if one of my parents invited us round at the same time. But that’s all in the past now.
Today I was told that they would discharge me from PT at my next appointment on Thursday. That will leave me only with OT. YAY! Then I went to Best Buy and started its own thread for that. Shortly I'm going to a museum exhibit and then to dinner.
dogecoin is doing me well. I put in 400 and it is 1200 today. I was able to take out the orgiinal amount I invested and now it is all profit so no money out of my pocket. in total I invested about 800 in crypto and I have 2500. I am almost rich (G)
Finish setting up the area around my new (and wonderful!) standing desk. It's starting to resemble an actual office, even if it is part of the living room. Then I'm going to do my damn PowerPoint so I can do my prospectus ASAP and go visit my family!
I do some movie or tv show stuff. i am not in the union so I cant do much. this is two signs for a pilot called "Kill the Orange Faced Bear" Pilot. I guess it is a bout a engaged or newly married couple in the woods and a bear kills the woman and war is declared on the bears.