What are you doing today?

@Apple fanboy: Hope you enjoyed both MOTD and your hot chocolate.

For me, hot chocolate is consumed (and thoroughly enjoyed, though not often) between Hallowe'en and the end of February, perhaps mid March.
Rolled in from the MIL's late last night. Had to fix a couple of things in her "new" house.

Should I feel bad that she has some serious buyer's remorse?
Car washing in the winter here is something I rarely do.

Protip: fill your bucket(s) with very warm/hot water from inside the house (vs. the exterior hose). You can do it from a tub if your bucket it too big, or even use hose water but dump a hot kettle of water into that.

Now clearly, if it's insanely cold, yeah, the car will have to be dirty, but you'd be surprised how much a hot bucket of water offsets the cold :)
Protip: fill your bucket(s) with very warm/hot water from inside the house (vs. the exterior hose).

Couple of years ago when I had to replace my hot water tank with a tankless, since I was having to replumb a bunch of it, I went ahead and installed one of these:


Now I have hot water right by the driveway. Makes washing cars in colder weather tolerable.
Couple of years ago when I had to replace my hot water tank with a tankless, since I was having to replumb a bunch of it, I went ahead and installed one of these:


Now I have hot water right by the driveway. Makes washing cars in colder weather tolerable.

No shit. Well, now I feel totally inadequate ...
Protip: fill your bucket(s) with very warm/hot water from inside the house (vs. the exterior hose). You can do it from a tub if your bucket it too big, or even use hose water but dump a hot kettle of water into that.

Now clearly, if it's insanely cold, yeah, the car will have to be dirty, but you'd be surprised how much a hot bucket of water offsets the cold :)
Would you ever use cold? I’ve always used hot water for cleaning my car. For both buckets.
Would you ever use cold? I’ve always used hot water for cleaning my car. For both buckets.

I use water at the temp it comes out of the hose, so the temp is basically "weather regulated" :D
Too cold at 12C? That used to be my summers in Ireland, hehe. A sunny -22C (for AFB, that’s-22 English) over here… time to stay inside…
I know, I know.

I am getting old.

12C was summer for me in Russia for more than a decade and in Finland for many years as well, but now...

Like an old fart. (I try to comply with the title some of us were given here). :mrgreen:
Finished work for the evening. Now watching MOTD. A short highlight show as there is some weird eggball show on later. Who wants to see that?
nothing outstanding on this ride just went to another state 45 miles. crossed the 205 freeway bridge about 1.5 miles noisy as hell hate riding across it. Did see the window and somehow a dead cat on the bike path. no clue how it got there it was a long ways from any residence. when you come off you get a nice little forested section. went to check out this wildlife refuge for some riding paths but it was just some grass paths and would be impossible to get our tandem past the gate. got some some good views of Mt hood.
IMG_3932 2.jpeg
In work today. Two guys on holiday. Made for an even busier day than usual. Will have to do some of my own work this evening.
Valentine's Day!

Got some neat stuff for the ladies (one was something made from 100 year old silver repurposed)

Did a little gift exchange between the three of us, and I got some of the amazing Runamok maple syrups/mixers, in a beautiful gift box:

Having some right now, cinnamon/vanilla infused with Bulleit Rye :)

Then doing some pizza, a movie, first going to churn through a little more code :D
Had an interesting convo with a client about a major, mission critical piece of software we wrote for them, what if I/we were to drop off the earth / drop dead / just say "F*** it" and not support it any longer - they're open to a full purchase of the IC/code/source/etc., this might be a way to walk away from this particular part of the business. Pretty exciting stuff!