What are you doing today?

Went out and ran a couple of errands this afternoon, loving the sunshine we've seen so little recently, and then prepared myself for the next round of winter weather which is supposed to descend upon us later tonight and into tomorrow.... I am so tired of winter, let's just fast-forward into Spring, can't we??!!! <Whiiinne.....>
The cops are at my house, blue lights blazing as I type this. Apparently they were tailing some drunk on the road, and decided to pull him over right in my driveway. I got a stranger's truck sitting right in front of my garage, waiting for a tow truck to arrive.

This is exciting!

I bet I'll have to tell my neighbors they weren't here for me tomorrow.
Finished my Ethiopian coffee this morning, which means that I am in danger of running out.

And that means that a fresh coffee order is called for.

So, I am perusing coffee sites.

Have also phoned the French bakery to check whether they have any bread (of the kind of bread that I like) still left (no, they haven't,) and requesting them to put some aside for me, tomorrow.
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Having a cup of coffee just for a change today. I still prefer tea. Hubby has consumed all the bow tie rolls I ordered from my favorite bakery back in NY and is now perplexed about why I won't order more. ($30 for bread and $40 for shipping, that's why.) But I still have bagels left. There really is nothing like a good NY bagel.
Phoned - and then, (because the phone wasn't answered), I wrote to - my favourite stationary store - where I also buy my Mont Blanc pens - a place I haven't managed to visit in over a year, and which is shut on account of Covid, as I am running out of excellent stationary, and of Mont Blanc ink for my pens.

Anyway, they replied, and said that they head into the (shut), but beautiful shop once a week to send stuff to customers, and will (proceed to) send me what I need. Bless them.
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Busy as hell with work!

One particular highlight of the day was dealing with a slippery so and so during a meeting today. He attempted to try and blame me for a stalled project in front of two group directors and ten other colleagues. I then shared my screen on Microsoft Teams and went through all the communication we’d had and showed the fact he’d ignored my emails whilst he went redder and redder and sank lower into his chair. Actions started pinging in from the directors for him to pull his finger out of his back passage and do his job. Back of the net [emoji1305]

Do any of you guys ever chat to people at work that you secretly detest in the corridor and share false chit chat when really you’re admiring the shape of their skull and daydreaming about punching them?? Kind of like some of the posters we talk about here from Mac Rumours? I’ll order a taxi if it’s just me [emoji2371].
Busy as hell with work!

One particular highlight of the day was dealing with a slippery so and so during a meeting today. He attempted to try and blame me for a stalled project in front of two group directors and ten other colleagues. I then shared my screen on Microsoft Teams and went through all the communication we’d had and showed the fact he’d ignored my emails whilst he went redder and redder and sank lower into his chair. Actions started pinging in from the directors for him to pull his finger out of his back passage and do his job. Back of the net [emoji1305]

Do any of you guys ever chat to people at work that you secretly detest in the corridor and share false chit chat when really you’re admiring the shape of their skull and daydreaming about punching them?? Kind of like some of the posters we talk about here from Mac Rumours? I’ll order a taxi if it’s just me [emoji2371].
That's what I love about my job. People like this could not make it to get qualified.
Finalizing institutional review board query responses for a protocol
Wrote a rec letter for a mentee.
Have a paper to review by Sat on artificial intelligence in medicine.
Research Zoom meeting with another student.
A paper to finalize.
Oh...and it's snow day for 2 inches of snow=> Blasting Prodigy to block out the kids bickering.

Do any of you guys ever chat to people at work that you secretly detest in the corridor and share false chit chat when really you’re admiring the shape of their skull and daydreaming about punching them?? Kind of like some of the posters we talk about here from Mac Rumours? I’ll order a taxi if it’s just me [emoji2371].
My problem is that if I secretly detest someone, the fact that I detest them does not long remain a secret.

Not if I have to encounter them regularly, for, it can be a bit of a challenge to mask such feelings effectively.

This is nothing to do with office gossip, but has more to do with the lamentable fact that the challenge of "chatting" - especially "false chit chat" - with someone I detest, dislike, despise, tests my diplomatic skills to the utmost, for, while one part of my mind is merrily measuring their skull for Viking axes or prosaic punchability, the other part of my mind is shrieking in outrage at the sheer elasticity - and excessive expenditure - of emotion required to pretend to be civil to such a creature, let alone the further outrage to truth that being nice to them requires.
My problem is that if I secretly detest someone, the fact that I detest them does not long remain a secret.

Not if I have to encounter them regularly, for, it can be a bit of a challenge to mask such feelings effectively.

This is nothing to do with office gossip, but has more to do with the lamentable fact that the challenge of "chatting" - especially "false chit chat" - with someone I detest, dislike, despise, tests my diplomatic skills to the utmost, for, while one part of my mind is merrily measuring their skull for Viking axes or prosaic punchability, the other part of my mind is shrieking in outrage at the sheer elasticity - and excessive expenditure - of emotion required to pretend to be civil to such a creature, let alone the further outrage to truth that being nice to them requires.

My recollection from the work scene is that I mostly kept conversations with my "detestable" nominees just long enough to fulfill professional obligation, plus a minute or so on the equivalent of "how 'bout those Yankees, eh?" or some such sports filler. I did harbor fantasies about how they might end up trapped in an elevator for two hours on their way back to their own offices, stuff like that.

A friend who was an off-off-Broadway actor --but working in tech as a day job-- copped to actually using detestable folks encountered in the office as foils for practice of his acting skills: he would sometimes engage the subjects in elaborately deceitful conversations about imaginary "mutual friends" he would insist they had in common. His aim was always to get them to say "Oh yeah, that guy, now I remember, and that place really did have great clams casino." Of course "that guy" and the place w/ the clams were fictitious...
My recollection from the work scene is that I mostly kept conversations with my "detestable" nominees just long enough to fulfill professional obligation, plus a minute or so on the equivalent of "how 'bout those Yankees, eh?" or some such sports filler. I did harbor fantasies about how they might end up trapped in an elevator for two hours on their way back to their own offices, stuff like that.
Okay: I managed the taciturn, terse, polite, professional conversations pretty well, - exchanges entirely regulated by and informed by professional context - but ensured that they could never become drawn out dialogues, as extended conversation was a challenge - not merely to both courtesy and the willing suspension of disbelief (of the fact that I detested them).

A friend who was an off-off-Broadway actor --but working in tech as a day job-- copped to actually using detestable folks encountered in the office as foils for practice of his acting skills: he would sometimes engage the subjects in elaborately deceitful conversations about imaginary "mutual friends" he would insist they had in common. His aim was always to get them to say "Oh yeah, that guy, now I remember, and that place really did have great clams casino." Of course "that guy" and the place w/ the clams were fictitious...
That is hilarious.
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Headed into the (nearby) city for the first time since the week before Christmas; talk about dystopian - it is as though a plague or nuclear bomb hit the place, the streets (on a Friday afternoon) are so deserted, so empty, so silent.

Anyway, masked up, I paid a visit to the best Asian shop in the place, (stocked up on galangal, lime leaves, lemon grass, kecap manis, sambal oelek, rice wine, Chinese cabbage, ramen, Japanese curry, sesame oil), the cheesemonger's (my first visit since before Christmas, where I stocked up on cheese, - a serious selection - pâté, pancetta), and the French bakery, where I picked up some French bread that awaited me, - for I had phoned them yesterday - and had been kept for me.

And spotted, and visited, a brand new (but actually open since November, to my considerable surprise) Italian bakery, where I succumbed to the temptation of purchasing some Cannoli.
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And yes, as mentioned above, I paid a visit to the cheesemonger's today, to stock up on some cheeses: Haven't been there since before Christmas:

Anyway, today's purchases - heavily leaning to France, the Basque region, and Italy, included: The wonderful washed rind (aromatic, but not at this time of year), Époisses, and also some ripe, gloriously soft St Nectaire; a lovely cheese from Savoie, named Abondance; two Basque cheeses - the superb Ossau-Iraty, and the smoked Idiazabal; then, for breakfast decadence, some Delice de Bourgogne, followed by three blues, Gorgonzola Cremoso from Italy, along with two from France, the immortal Roquefort, and a slice of Bleu d'Auvergne.
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Debated heading into the farmer's market today - but, as the weather was vile, foul, filthy, wet, - and I had been in the city yesterday, my first such trip since before Christmas - I decided to forego the pleasure of (free range, organic) eggs and fresh fruit and organic vegetables until next week.
Busy as hell with work!

One particular highlight of the day was dealing with a slippery so and so during a meeting today. He attempted to try and blame me for a stalled project in front of two group directors and ten other colleagues. I then shared my screen on Microsoft Teams and went through all the communication we’d had and showed the fact he’d ignored my emails whilst he went redder and redder and sank lower into his chair. Actions started pinging in from the directors for him to pull his finger out of his back passage and do his job. Back of the net [emoji1305]

Do any of you guys ever chat to people at work that you secretly detest in the corridor and share false chit chat when really you’re admiring the shape of their skull and daydreaming about punching them?? Kind of like some of the posters we talk about here from Mac Rumours? I’ll order a taxi if it’s just me [emoji2371].
Some people at work can frustrate me. But I reserve my punching day dreams for people who have really wronged me in life.