What are you doing today?


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I’m hoping that by the time we get to page 8,000 of this thread people will be doing really interesting things again, but we’ll take what we can get for now.

This afternoon I’m taking a trip to Best Buy (since the closest Apple store is in New Orleans) so I can leave them my iPad. The eSim seems to have stopped functioning completely, and that’s caused other issues. Can’t even use a regular sim, and I can’t do that os update because it tells me I’m not connected to the internet. But I am! I’m here right now.

So off she’ll go, not even a year old. It seems that they generally just replace your device rather than actually fixing it, but I’ll be without for a few days. Sniff.


Mama's lil stinker
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Main Camera
I’m hoping that by the time we get to page 8,000 of this thread people will be doing really interesting things again, but we’ll take what we can get for now.

This afternoon I’m taking a trip to Best Buy (since the closest Apple store is in New Orleans) so I can leave them my iPad. The eSim seems to have stopped functioning completely, and that’s caused other issues. Can’t even use a regular sim, and I can’t do that os update because it tells me I’m not connected to the internet. But I am! I’m here right now.

So off she’ll go, not even a year old. It seems that they generally just replace your device rather than actually fixing it, but I’ll be without for a few days. Sniff.
You'll have alternative access in the meantime though, right? I'll be staying in this weekend but the week after next I'm taking some vacation for the first time in a year and a half, long overdue. I'm fortunate to have a job that keeps me working remotely (in IT) but the hours are long and it's a struggle getting time off.

Time permitting I'll be giving you all a break from me 😁 and hitting the road to get some photos both in San Francisco and east to the mountains.


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My brother, to whom I am close, and whom I hadn't seen since last December, showed up for three days this week, - arriving on Wednesday afternoon, and departing very early this morning, because he had to return the hire car by a specific time - and we had a wonderful time.

I hadn't eaten a meal with another human being in months.

We wined and dined (rack of lamb and my homemade ratatouille on Wednesday; my homamde blue cheese sauce - four types of blue cheese - with pasta, steamed spinach walnuts and an Israeli salad on Thursday, and my homemade chowder on Friday) in splendour and talked endlessly for hours; although we phone, and text, and email and tweet one another several times during the week, nothing beats three nights of relaxed, congenial, five hour (washed down with fine French wines, and my excellent cuisine) extended conversations.

This morning, I headed in to the farmers' market (it has traded in some shape or form in the shadow of a large medieval church (1320) for centuries), where I bought plenty of organic produce, (aubergines, courgettes, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, lots and lots of garlic - my unit of accounting when cooking is a head, not a clove - leeks, spinach, broccoli, salad greens, lemons, oranges), eggs (free range, organic), fish, cheese (aged Comte, Gorgonzola Cremosa, Camembert Rustique, and some Stilton), honey (from a chap with his own hives), and organic raspberry jam and three fruit marmalade made by his wife, and olives.
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You'll have alternative access in the meantime though, right? I'll be staying in this weekend but the week after next I'm taking some vacation for the first time in a year and a half, long overdue. I'm fortunate to have a job that keeps me working remotely (in IT) but the hours are long and it's a struggle getting time off.

Sounds like my son. When I spoke to him a few days ago he said he’d be willing to go to the Bronx if it meant a vacation. LOL

I hope you get some good and relaxing time away and bring back plenty of photos!

I headed in to the farmers' market

I keep forgetting to add that to my list of things to do. There’s a wonderful little place not far from the house. We passed it the other day and I commented on how we needed to go there the next time we needed produce. Maybe we can add a stop there today since we’ll be out.


Egg Nog King of the Eastern Seaboard
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Sometime during the dead of night, while the world was still asleep three separate water mains in my sleepy little town decided to go and blow themselves up for absolutely no apparent reason. We've been without water since.

It scared the crap out of me when I woke up this morning to perform my morningly duties, because when I went to flush the toilet, the sudden massive rush of air pressure, and the resulting HOOOOOOOONNNNGGGG made me think I broke the damn thing. So I'll tell you what I WON'T be doing today: taking a shower, or pooping.


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
I’m hoping that by the time we get to page 8,000 of this thread people will be doing really interesting things again, but we’ll take what we can get for now.

Fun idea for a thread... thank you!

I'll like doing "really interesting" things again pretty soon, but for today it's about tediously seam-ripping away three poorly chosen borders I had stuck on a quilt-in-progress about six years ago in the depths of a November. I took a good look at that quilt top again the following spring when selecting things to ship out for quilting, shuddered, wrapped it back up in muslin and filed it in a bin rack reserved for "what the hell was I thinking?!"

Anyway this is the jazzy basis for a quilt top that I'll be left with once again, and I'm looking forward to picking and cutting better borders for it before the good light goes for the season of fabric-selecting.
This is all just blocks of a pattern called a "fancy half-square triangles block."​
Appealed to me because of a weird way of sewing some rectangles and squares together in a certain way, making a square of it, backing that with a same-sized square, drawing a diagonal, sewing on either side of that and then cutting it apart... long short, never have to sew any bias triangles to make the blocks.​

Kinda looks like butterflies to me and it was fun using a lot of batiks and blender fabrics with a few novelty and abstract prints thrown in.

fancy half-square triangles quilt top.jpg

Past that in general now I'm setting up projects for winter that just require seaming of borders, application of bindings or hand-piecing. Hope to ready some more UnFinishedObjects for sending out to my longarm quilter later this fall.


I'll spend my day writing my damn book chapter. Pre COVID and child #2 I could just hide away in the basement. Now my workstation is on the main floor so I can co-serve as the frontal lobe of the kids (some call it parenting...).


Mama's lil stinker
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Main Camera
Sometime during the dead of night, while the world was still asleep three separate water mains in my sleepy little town decided to go and blow themselves up for absolutely no apparent reason. We've been without water since.

It scared the crap out of me when I woke up this morning to perform my morningly duties, because when I went to flush the toilet, the sudden massive rush of air pressure, and the resulting HOOOOOOOONNNNGGGG made me think I broke the damn thing. So I'll tell you what I WON'T be doing today: taking a shower, or pooping.
Wow, that's brutal. Going without power is one thing but when you lose water that's an emergency event.

Three separate water mains in the same night in a small town? Something's gotta give there, seems awfully coincidental.


Egg Nog King of the Eastern Seaboard
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Wow, that's brutal. Going without power is one thing but when you lose water that's an emergency event.

Three separate water mains in the same night in a small town? Something's gotta give there, seems awfully coincidental.

The city did mail out letters stating there were higher than expected levels of something or other in our water supply here a week ago. They could be using this little emergency as an excuse to flush the system.

Who knows?


Mama's lil stinker
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Main Camera
The city did mail out letters stating there were higher than expected levels of something or other in our water supply here a week ago. They could be using this little emergency as an excuse to flush the system.

Who knows?
Well, if "something or other" doesn't boil out then I would be packing my shit and finding someplace else to go. :D


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
The city did mail out letters stating there were higher than expected levels of something or other in our water supply here a week ago. They could be using this little emergency as an excuse to flush the system.

Who knows?

We had a minor earthquake quite a few years ago that apparently weakened a few junctures in water mains, some of which in our tiny system are over 100 years old. Anyway several of them went on the same day a few years later.... which was pretty unusual since the affected parts of the system weren't even near each other.

Well, if "something or other" doesn't boil out then I would be packing my shit and finding someplace else to go. :D

Yeah at the very least past any boil-water order, I'd be using bottled water and then using a pitcher filter and changing it out every week for awhile... never mind any claims about a filter being good for hundreds of gallons.


Egg Nog King of the Eastern Seaboard
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Well, if "something or other" doesn't boil out then I would be packing my shit and finding someplace else to go. :D

Just read the letter. It's a warning against higher than expected levels of some vaguely defined Disinfectant Byproducts (DBP) in our drinking water.

Fortunately for me, I drink seltzer, so I don't have to worry about being poisoned by our drinking water. Though I do take showers in it, so...


Just read the letter. It's a warning against higher than expected levels of some vaguely defined Disinfectant Byproducts (DBP) in our drinking water.

Fortunately for me, I drink seltzer, so I don't have to worry about being poisoned by our drinking water. Though I do take showers in it, so...
You're just drinking plastic nanoparticles from the seltzer bottle. Unless you stick to glass. No winning here:/


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Fun idea for a thread... thank you!

I know it was one of @Scepticalscribe favorite threads in the members only forum in TOP. So I figured we needed it here.

Meanwhile, great news. I reset my iPad and everything seems to be working well now. Cancelled my Best Buy appointment and will see how things go.

So now we’re going to just go see what we can do while social distancing.


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I know it was one of @Scepticalscribe favorite threads in the members only forum in TOP. So I figured we needed it here.

Meanwhile, great news. I reset my iPad and everything seems to be working well now. Cancelled my Best Buy appointment and will see how things go.

So now we’re going to just go see what we can do while social distancing.

It is a terrific idea for a thread, and it is the sort of thread that helps to generate a congenial, pleasant and friendly atmosphere on a site, one where people feel free to just chat. Or air stuff. Or just vent, occasionally.


Egg Nog King of the Eastern Seaboard
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My day keeps getting better!

I'm over mowing my elderly neighbor's yard, when suddenly...BAM! BEE SWARM! Got hit 5 times. I bailed pretty quicklike. Then, to add insult to injury, when I got back to the house, one of the little bastards flew out of my shirt!

...and the water's still off, so I can't clean up.


Mama's lil stinker
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Main Camera
My day keeps getting better!

I'm over mowing my elderly neighbor's yard, when suddenly...BAM! BEE SWARM! Got hit 5 times. I bailed pretty quicklike. Then, to add insult to injury, when I got back to the house, one of the little bastards flew out of my shirt!

...and the water's still off, so I can't clean up.
Your day just keeps coming up with wins, doesn't it? I'm guessing you're not allergic to them or you wouldn't have had time to make this post while rushing to the ER.


Egg Nog King of the Eastern Seaboard
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Your day just keeps coming up with wins, doesn't it? I'm guessing you're not allergic to them or you wouldn't have had time to make this post while rushing to the ER.

Yeah, I'm doing just fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidl;kvjakdj;
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