What happens when you ask, “Hey Siri, is Dick Cheney still alive?”

I have to credit Mrs. Veil for finding that. When the whole Liz Cheney thing was going on, I guess she got curious and asked Siri if Dick Cheney was still alive. I came home from work and my wife wanted to know why Siri wouldn't answer that question.

I tried searching Google for other examples of this, but even including Siri in the search phrase "Siri is Dick Cheney still alive", I come up with nothing. So as far as I'm concerned, Mrs. Veil is officially the one who discovered this strange quirk.
What about Jeff Bezos? Bill Gates?

I don't use Siri but I'm often ALMOST curious enough to turn it on for awhile... especially when it comes to things that Siri may have been, uh... coached to steer away from or provide noncommittal responses.