What have you made recently?

Oh, man. I need a jalepeño tree. They look delicious!

I'm working on having a green thumb but am not quite there yet. This is by far my easiest food bearing plant. I have it in a 10" grow bag and it's only about 3 feet tall and it keeps producing and producing. I'm in CA Bay Area climate, so your experience may vary.
I committed to the 10 minutes it took to pickle jalapeños from my jalapeño tree. I lost all track of time. Is Biden still President? Have we reinvaded Afghanistan? Has OJ found the real fraudulent voters yet?
I candy my jalapeños. Then you can chop them up and use them in brownies. Yum!
I've made quite a few miniature nature scene models but haven't gotten to the resin water stage yet.
That’s beautiful! I usually stick more to trinket trays and jewelry. I did one large Mardi Gras piece a few years ago and my mother claimed it. I’ll see if I still have a picture of it.
I committed to the 10 minutes it took to pickle jalapeños from my jalapeño tree. I lost all track of time. Is Biden still President? Have we reinvaded Afghanistan? Has OJ found the real fraudulent voters yet?

I mainly did it because my jalapeño tree is small, but mighty. No matter how many I eat there are always 20 - 30 more waiting to be consumed within a week. The threat of getting pickled is both real and a spoilage saver.

I'm working on having a green thumb but am not quite there yet. This is by far my easiest food bearing plant. I have it in a 10" grow bag and it's only about 3 feet tall and it keeps producing and producing. I'm in CA Bay Area climate, so your experience may vary.

That's awesome!

Pepper plants do really well around here, I think in general they're decently robust. I'd like to get some Datil peppers going, that's a pepper that's grown in this area, very specifically (elsewhere, but most are from here).

From Wikipedia:

The datil is a very hot pepper, a variety of the species Capsicum chinense (syn. Capsicum sinense).

Datil peppers are cultivated throughout the United States and elsewhere, but the majority are produced in St. Augustine, Florida.[1] Many myths attempt to explain the origin of the Datil Pepper: some suggest the peppers were brought to St. Augustine by indentured workers from Menorca in the late 18th century, others posit that they were brought from Cuba around 1880 by a jelly maker named S. B. Valls.[2]

The datil pepper is a green to yellowish-golden aromatic hot pepper belonging to the species of Capsicum chinense and is mainly produced and grown in St. Augustine, Florida. A mature datil pepper is 3-4 cm long with a blunt tip, a golden-orange color and weighs 3 grams. Its taste is a mix of both hot and sweet. The name datil was derived from the Spanish and Catalan language meaning date palm, because the shape of a datil pepper resembles it. The origin of the datil pepper still remains unknown, however many myths and extensive research suggest it originated in Minorca or in Cuba.
That's awesome!

Pepper plants do really well around here, I think in general they're decently robust. I'd like to get some Datil peppers going, that's a pepper that's grown in this area, very specifically (elsewhere, but most are from here).

From Wikipedia:

I definitely want to branch out into more peppers. I'm limited to an apartment balcony right now, but there be a house in the near future and if that happens I plan to go full food court with the backyard.
Pepper plants do really well around here, I think in general they're decently robust. I'd like to get some Datil peppers going, that's a pepper that's grown in this area, very specifically (elsewhere, but most are from here).
I love datils! I usually pick up a few datil lollipops when I visit the fam. Never thought of growing them, but since the weather is the same there and here I should be able to.
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I committed to the 10 minutes it took to pickle jalapeños from my jalapeño tree. I lost all track of time. Is Biden still President? Have we reinvaded Afghanistan? Has OJ found the real fraudulent voters yet?

I mainly did it because my jalapeño tree is small, but mighty. No matter how many I eat there are always 20 - 30 more waiting to be consumed within a week. The threat of getting pickled is both real and a spoilage saver.
Serious yum.

Actually, seriously impressed "yum".
Here's the pickled jalapeños recipe I used. Highly recommended.

Not just "yum", or seriously impressed "yum", (although that is true), but seriously salivating "yum".

And thanks for sharing the recipe; much appreciated.
Not just "yum", or seriously impressed "yum", (although that is true), but seriously salivating "yum".

And thanks for sharing the recipe; much appreciated.

I'm also getting more into cooking. In the journey it's interesting to find out "Oh! Those are the ingredients that appeal to my taste!" The unskilled just know what they like. When making the recipes you are keenly aware of where those flavors are coming from (and the addictive properties they hold in some cases).

I made this shadow box display. The mantid pictures on the left are pictures of mantids I had, the ones on the right I found on the internet. I also found the mantid head diagram online that I printed on aged looking paper. The 2 brown poo looking things attached to the branch at the top are actually unhatched oothecas (egg sacs) that a wild mantid I caught laid in their enclosure.
View attachment 8881

I made this shadow box display. The mantid pictures on the left are pictures of mantids I had, the ones on the right I found on the internet. I also found the mantid head diagram online that I printed on aged looking paper. The 2 brown poo looking things attached to the branch at the top are actually unhatched oothecas (egg sacs) that a wild mantid I caught laid in their enclosure.
Interesting! And the frame choice is perfect for this piece. Well done.
This time of year I reach into my odds-and-ends projects for a bunch of little UFO's (Un Finished Objects) to finish and use for little holiday gifts. I usually have plenty projects to pick from and they're all documented but once in awhile I must get interrupted by something or other and leave off the most important tag which is where the thing is getting stashed when I've got through another step with it. I have lots of project bins so looking for one that got put in the wrong place or didn't have its location documented can be annoying (or sometimes just fun).

This one only lacked a binding fabric and I probably went off to see if some of the bindings I make on spec sometime would do.... but I never came back, or at least not to the documentation. So not really sure if I finished it and gave it away or it's still waiting for that binding. So annoying.

Anyway this little hotmat-to-be was cut from some crazy-quilt cloth I made back when I didn't have much fabric. It has sentimental value to me because the tiny calico print on white in the center area was a scrap from the very first kittycat quilt I ever made!

yeah but where is it now.jpg
I'm in the process of making a pencil and pen holder. I'm tired of jamming them in old soup cans or lazy susan type holders.

I finally came up with a design I like and just finished a prototype in Doug Fir wood. I'll use that for awhile and if I like it, I'll make a couple of them in a nice chunk of Black Walnut that's looking to be used for something.

For pencils, I'm partial to Staedtler TriPlus Micro mechanical pencils, in a variety of different lead sizes and hardness. I drilled nine 10mm holes for those. For pens/Sharpies/Erasers/etc I have nine 12mm holes. For Staedtler erasers, a 1 3/4" hole holds two of them nicely. Everything fits like a glove and is organized.

Here are a few in-process pics. The 8x8x3 inch chunk of Black Walnut is to the left.


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And it's now ready for use. It's 8" wide, 3" inches high, and 2 1/2" deep. It's made from Black Walnut wood and finished with three coats of MinWax Polycrylic satin finish.

I'm thinking of making another one, with belt loops on the backside. That way when I'm out and about, I'll have all my pencils, pens, and erasers within easy reach. And can finally leave my pocket protectors at home. :)

Pencil holder - Black Walnut.jpg