What is your longest lasting apple product?


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Aug 29, 2020
here's mine.
hands down.

Time Capsule.
Bought 2009.
Running 24/7/365, for almost 11 years straight.
1TB Model A1355.

Has never failed.
For either WiFi or for Time Machine.
I was going to say my 1st-gen iPod. It still works and I put a new battery and bigger HD in it 2-3 years ago. Then I remembered I have a PowerBook G3 which still works, but I never use it..... and is one year older than the iPod.

I also have an old time capsule - I cannot even remember what year I got it, but it reports as 802.11n (3rd generation), which I looked up and was released in 2009, so I think it’s the same one as you... Still plugged in and using it right now!

Got a free 1,1 Mac Pro from Craigslist 4 years ago and still use it all the time - upgraded it to El Capitan with help from MR Forums members.

Love the longevity of Apple products!


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2008 iMac Core 2 duo, 20” display, 250 GB hard drive

I can’t update it past El Capitan, and it does get slow and have Finder crashes at times, but otherwise it’s still going strong. It seems the only way my computer is going to die is if I put a bullet through it.

And I bought it as a refurb.
Last time I checked, my 5G iPod (circa 2005? 2006?) was working fine, but now that a drawer has been where it's been living for the past year or longer, obviously the battery has probably died and it might be difficult to revive the thing, although I still do have the appropriate 30-pin connector cable and also the iPod dock that they were selling at that time, too. Probably the oldest item here that is in actual daily use would be my Apple Extreme Base Station, the last model that they made and sold -- just looked at the box, which, yep, I've still got! -- and the identifying sticker on the box says 2013, but I actually didn't buy it until 2016..... At any rate, it's still going strong, not a hitch! Last year I had to replace my modem when it gave up the ghost and I figured that maybe the AEBS might be about ready to pop its cork, too, but no, and that's just fine with me! She can just keep trucking along another several years......

Next oldest would be the 2017 12" MacBook. Although it is no longer in my possession, last I heard, the first-generation MacBook Air that I bought in 2008 is also still ticking along just fine, too, in the hands of a friend who is perfectly happy that it can't use the latest upgrades and latest OS, etc., as for his purposes it's just fine.
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My 2nd iMac from Autumn 1999 (least than a year after my 1st iMac purchase). "Sold" it to my step sister for my nephew to use. She basically still uses it as a music player in her side office.

Now I want to get it back and use it as part of a music player setup.
My 2nd iMac from Autumn 1999 (least than a year after my 1st iMac purchase). "Sold" it to my step sister for my nephew to use. She basically still uses it as a music player in her side office.

Now I want to get it back and use it as part of a music player setup.
The keyboard i use for the old Mac Pro is from a tangerine iMac.....
Orange is my absolutely most favorite color and if I had been into Macs when the colorful ones came out I would've absolutely had either a tangerine iMac or a tangerine iBook. Unfortunately compared to many, I am a comparative latecomer to the Mac, having bought a G5 iMac Rev B, arriving on the scene only a few months before the big switch to Intel. So at least I got to experience PPC Macs, anyway, and enjoyed that before getting my first Intel-based Mac later on.
I also sell or give away old tech once I buy something new. There is an old iPod classic sitting around somewhere and I still had an Airport Extreme until around last year when I put in a mesh network.
here's mine.
hands down.
View attachment 898
Time Capsule.
Bought 2009.
Running 24/7/365, for almost 11 years straight.
1TB Model A1355.

Has never failed.
For either WiFi or for Time Machine.
Still rocking one. For all my other Apple products I generally don't beat them into the dirt until they have to be replaced. As somebody who dapples in music and video I can't really allow that to happen. I'm not a fan of age based limitation frustration.
My Apple TV that is like 5 years old. It probably doesn’t get updates anymore but I mainly use it for Netflix in my bedroom. That still works.

I usually sell my old tech when I buy new ones. I sold my iPhone SE 2020 when I got the 12 Pro.
Longest lasting Apple item that still works, although I do not use it any more, just boot it once in awhile to remain amazed that the boot diskette medium has not failed: my moment of awakening's 1985 512k unenhanced Macintosh. When I saw that smiling face boot up on the screen, Bill Gates was so over in my house.

Longest lasting one that still works and gets treated gingerly due to those notorious hinges, a 15" Titanium G4 Powerbook. Used offline only w/ assorted MIDI-related stuff.

Longest lasting Apple gear that gets used pretty much every week: handful of 2nd gen iPod nanos, a couple of the later shuffles and one of the white shuffles.

Yeah and I always drove my old cars into the ground too.

Most of my laptops and iPod touch, iPhones have got handed down to kin or neighbors' kids when I upgrade that stuff, I only keep one backup of those around any more.