I used to read a lot of Asimov some Lem, Clarke etc. Even though Asimov wrote from the States, somehow he was greenlit in the Eastern Block. I love the smell and illustrations of scifi books from the 60s-70s. You know, Spacer in space suite operating buttons with an alien world reflecting from the helmet's visor. Interstellar really gave me the feel of those scifis. It's just really phenomenal through and through. The other movie that I found as fun as those books was Moon.The Zimmer soundtrack is amazing, and the overpowering levels are very much by design - often juxtaposed against complete silence (make the lack of sound even more present). Many of the pieces feature a 1926 Harrison & Harrison organ is in itself is a character in the story (including its design, etc.).
Great movie, the one scene, midway through, with McConaughey watching a video (staying spoiler free), holy f-ing hell, that's an amazing, powerful, emotional moment, it's what good sci-fi is about, using the machinations of space and/or time travel and/or alien invasion, and exposing the human condition through it.
Recently rewatched Arrival, FFS, that film __destroys__ me emotionally, the opening and ending, it's as good as it gets (and like Interstellar, so beautiful impacted by the score).
I used to read a lot of Asimov some Lem, Clarke etc. Even though Asimov wrote from the States, somehow he was greenlit in the Eastern Block. I love the smell and illustrations of scifi books from the 60s-70s. You know, Spacer in space suite operating buttons with an alien world reflecting from the helmet's visor. Interstellar really gave me the feel of those scifis. It's just really phenomenal through and through. The other movie that I found as fun as those books was Moon.
The Arrival was great too. The music was super powerful. It's more of a newschool kind of scifi, but it's a good new school.
My dad had dozens of science fiction novels stuffed into a file cabinet in the garage, and one summer, I decided to read the entire collection. Among them were Asimov's Foundation series, Herbert's Dune, most of Heinlein's stuff, Bradbury, and Pournelle, early Crichton, Lem, Dean Foster, etc.
The smell of that era of science-fiction novels, printed on cheap acid paper and dust has creates such a strong nostalgic feeling. Everyone should spent a hot summer reading dusty science-fiction novels using a creaky file cabinet as a personal library.
As soon as I heard that I knew what I would be doing this weekend. Good thing I bought popcorn when we went grocery shopping yesterday!... and also HBOMax! Woo!
Sounds like my collection!My dad had dozens of science fiction novels stuffed into a file cabinet in the garage, and one summer, I decided to read the entire collection. Among them were Asimov's Foundation series, Herbert's Dune, most of Heinlein's stuff, Bradbury, and Pournelle, early Crichton, Lem, Dean Foster, etc.
We still have a bookstore like that here. We used to go often, especially when my husband was still working and would go out for sea trials. No matter how long he was going out for, he’d pack 3 pairs of underwear and 10 books.Wow, yeah, I've got dozens and dozens of paperback scifi and fantasy novels, they have the look/feel/smell you described. There was this used bookstore, they did buy/sell/trade, it was a warehouse with shelves, stacks, hahaha, crates, book were everywhere. They did some new stuff, I ordered a few things from them, but mostly, books for like $0.50/each.
I found "The Suicide Squad" to be no better than a C- film.
Note to self: avoid this thread until Saturday night after watching Suicide Squad.
Haven’t watched yet, but the trailer doesn’t get me excited. I’ll check it out this weekend.I've kind of learned not to trust the opinions of critics, especially when it comes to superhero films. So it should come as no surprise that despite all the raves from critics who have seen previews, I found "The Suicide Squad" to be no better than a C- film.
Where was all the better plotting, improved character development, etc., that was supposed to make it such a great film?
I'll go into it in more detail this weekend, but right now it's getting late and I don't feel like getting into the weeds of what this movie was and wasn't.
To be continued.
For sure.Wow the new Suicide Squad (The ...) movie reviews are trending super fantastic!
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Opens in theaters this Friday ...
... and also HBOMax! Woo!
We are deck, firing it up early since this feels like a 9pm night, hahahaha![]()
For sure.
But the wife hasn't seen Suicide Squad, so we will need to watch it first. But her back is a bit out so no sitting for 2 hours tonight and 2 more hours tomorrow night.
Maybe 1/2 tonight and 1/2 tomorrow night then the offspring gets home Sunday and we can start watching "The" then.
The new Suicide Squad is designed with "plausible denial".You could probably skip the first one, I mean, it's "Government uses bad guys for secret mission so they can disavow any knowledge of it, and they're totally expendable".
It started @ 7PM EST Thursday.
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