What Movie Are You Watching?

You’re right, it is on YouTube.

One thing to know: it’s definitely got a pro-colonialism bent, which is not PC nowadays. Still a good film though.
I had thought I might soon finally watch The Goldfinch, but made the mistake (or else had the good luck?) to read a couple reviews that convinced me maybe I should start with the book sometime instead, and also possibly hope that someone (Amazon again?) eventually makes a miniseries out of it instead of having tried to jam that particular book into a 2.5 hour film.

Reviews suggest the talent was there on both sides of the cameras but more than a few things went wrong somehow anyway. It would have been simpler just to start watching the film and bail on it if not holding my interest. Sometimes I should just resist having a peek at reviews.

Too late now to pop into a movie tonight anyway. Not too late to prowl around for a different idea for later in the week. Win some, lose some...
"North by Northwest" (TCM this past weekend)


It's a classic, and that's because it's pretty much perfect in every way.
  • a wonderful cast (Cary Grant, Eva Marie Saint, James Mason, Martin Landau)
  • a great score that is alternately edgy, romantic and frenetic (Bernard Herrmann)
  • a wide-ranging adventure story, with Grant on the run from traitorous spies who have mistaken him for someone named George Kaplan
  • comedy--some lines are toss-offs, some are cutting wisecracks, and nobody can deliver them as smoothly as Cary Grant
One of the best if not the best of all of Hitchcock's films.

(Watch for the famous blooper where a gun is fired and a little kid extra in the background, anticipating it, plugs his ears a full second or two before the shot. 😄 )
A bit late to the plate for a traditional summer re-watch... but hey, it's still warm outside so I downloaded Jaws from HBO Max for this evening's film fare.

A bit late to the plate for a traditional summer re-watch... but hey, it's still warm outside so I downloaded Jaws from HBO Max for this evening's film fare.

A true classic here that withstands the test of time IMO. I recently watched as well and it's just great story telling and cinematography, back in the days where they had 'flat' vs 'cinemascope' and Spielberg took it very seriously making for some very dramatic shots.
A bit late to the plate for a traditional summer re-watch... but hey, it's still warm outside so I downloaded Jaws from HBO Max for this evening's film fare.

I remember when it came out. Rated R. I had just turned 17, my senior year in high school so I could go see it without dragging the parents along. I went with a friend from school who was only 16. I was her accompanying adult. Mind you, she was 8 months pregnant at the time. There were a few points in the movie where she jumped so high I thought we’d be delivering the baby right there in the theater!
i was looking around amazon Prime for SF films and came across this one.
probably fits into the category of ultra low budget films, but i liked it.
View attachment 458
nijiRating 4****
Did you happen to catch The Last Black Man in San Francisco? It's on Amazon Prime, excellent movie IMO.
Did you happen to catch The Last Black Man in San Francisco? It's on Amazon Prime, excellent movie IMO.

i haven't seen that film yet but thanks to yr advice i looked at the trailer.
just from the trailer you can even see how beautiful the cinematography and storyline of it.
have added it to my wish list.
Watched The Devil All the Time that dropped on Netflix today. Really good but it can be a rough watch, especially if you are Christian. Without spoiling anything really I'll just say it showcases Christians doing very unChristian things under the guise of Christianity. It also kind of reminded me of a Tarantino movie in that there are multiple storylines that tie together in the end.

I wouldn't really say it's a condemnation of Christianity across the board, but more saying their are bad actors in the faith or people taking their faith to extremes. However, if you did recommend it as just a good movie to a hardcore Christian I could see how they would see it as an attack on them.
From what I've read, "Tenet"'s lackluster box office may just as well be due to what many saw as a confusing story. I wouldn't count theaters out yet just because one movie underperformed.
Watched The Devil All the Time that dropped on Netflix today. Really good but it can be a rough watch, especially if you are Christian. Without spoiling anything really I'll just say it showcases Christians doing very unChristian things under the guise of Christianity. It also kind of reminded me of a Tarantino movie in that there are multiple storylines that tie together in the end.

I wouldn't really say it's a condemnation of Christianity across the board, but more saying their are bad actors in the faith or people taking their faith to extremes. However, if you did recommend it as just a good movie to a hardcore Christian I could see how they would see it as an attack on them.

Sounds right up my Alli alley. But my favorite movie is Dogma.
To help assuage the stress of RBG's passing, I watched something that was purely entertaining: "Spectre", which I hadn't seen before. I'd DVRed it off of FX and it was sitting there just waiting for me in my time of need.


Good film, too. I'd seen some reviews that made it sound disappointing. It wasn't.

I've never been a person to use come-on lines with woman, but there was one quip in this movie that I know I'll always remember. It's when Dr. Swann, in a slinky skin-tight dress, notices Bond ogling her:

You shouldn't stare.

You shouldn't look like that.​
To help assuage the stress of RBG's passing, I watched something that was purely entertaining: "Spectre", which I hadn't seen before. I'd DVRed it off of FX and it was sitting there just waiting for me in my time of need.


Good film, too. I'd seen some reviews that made it sound disappointing. It wasn't.

I've never been a person to use come-on lines with woman, but there was one quip in this movie that I know I'll always remember. It's when Dr. Swann, in a slinky skin-tight dress, notices Bond ogling her:

You shouldn't stare.

You shouldn't look like that.​

I've tried doing bond movies but I just can't get into them for some reason. The best I can say is former bond girl Eva Green is all 72 of my virgins I would gladly detonate myself for.
To help assuage the stress of RBG's passing, I watched something that was purely entertaining: "Spectre", which I hadn't seen before. I'd DVRed it off of FX and it was sitting there just waiting for me in my time of need.


Good film, too. I'd seen some reviews that made it sound disappointing. It wasn't.

I've never been a person to use come-on lines with woman, but there was one quip in this movie that I know I'll always remember. It's when Dr. Swann, in a slinky skin-tight dress, notices Bond ogling her:

You shouldn't stare.

You shouldn't look like that.​

I should give that one a try. A Bond movie finds its way to me when I strongly crave a pure escape but to something with more flair than say a law'n'order rerun. I want something that's going to draw me in enough so it never crosses my mind to wonder if I've seen it before (even if I have).

I don't run any kind of analyzer on the back burner while watching a Bond movie. There's absolutely no "wow I didn't think this director would script a scene like that" and not even any foodie-type observations like "how the hell do you get a salmon to look like that on the plate I wonder."

No. I'll just be watching the film bring what it brings. The downside of that though is that I'm a totally unreliable "reviewer" of a Bond flick. My reaction at the end of any of them has always been pretty much "I have no clue what happened there but I feel ever so much better now."