At the end, his girlfriend is laying on the ground, shot in the gut, she gives him the line of still living him, and he strangles her…to death. Just then a police car shows up, but it’s not his TSA friend, it’s the regular police who immediately arrest him and 6 months later he is in jail for murder. He tells his friend his demon was removed from his childhood when he went back to try to rescue the grandmother whom he had hit with his car while trying to escape the premises.
If I had guessed what an alternate ending would be, it would have been the regular police who arrive, who see him over the girl friend who he had just been choking, she pleads for help and when he stands up they shoot him. So the alternate ending was slightly better

, but the actual ending was a winner.
There was quite a list these possessed people living, and I imagine it would have been interesting telling for an individual or the authorities in the imagined sequel to discover them and figure out the agenda, although my impression was this immediate family and the neuro-surgeon father was the only one with the know how, which went up in smoke. But who knows, he might have shared the knowledge.
The most disgusting aspect of this story is an ethnic group being abused by another because the oppressors must believe they are morally superior while being completely immoral. It reminds me of a particular win at all costs political party.