Hahaha, yeah, I'll only pay $2 or less

I have this odd frugality about some stuff, yet I'm sort of who cares about other things. Who knows ...
Semi-recently I was scoring amazing deals from Redbox, we had a player downstairs (PS4P), the Redbox at the grocery right down the street (where I could at least return if I didn't rent it there). It was usually a $1.25 off, so like $0.81 (OTD) for a Blu-Ray rental which is hard to beat. The Pubs pulled the box, so that makes is a little more of a PITA, so I usually just wait for a cheap streaming rental, because __everything__ winds up free at some point. Plus, the PS4P migrated up to the extra bedroom for the little G, I have a nice Sony BD player in the gear closet, I guess I pull that out if I was super inclined to rent one.