What sane person moves to Florida?

Chew Toy McCoy

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The humidity. The hurricanes. The politics. The stupid. The conmen. The low IQ criminals. Exotic pet dumping ground that quickly becomes prolific invasive species. Architecturally it’s gaudy fused with tacky. At any given time half the population is on whatever hot new brain frying narcotic that is on the market. It's like the country's largest trailer park and that might literally be true per capita.

Who looks at all that and says “Yes, please!”?


It’s all in the reflexes
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Lived in Jacksonville for a couple years as a young kid. Returned to Pensacola when I was 27 for 8 months, and that convinced me that Florida sucks. I went to Key West when I was 45 or so and that’s the best version of FLA I’ve seen, but it’s a big state.

Chew Toy McCoy

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Lived in Jacksonville for a couple years as a young kid. Returned to Pensacola when I was 27 for 8 months, and that convinced me that Florida sucks. I went to Key West when I was 45 or so and that’s the best version of FLA I’ve seen, but it’s a big state.

I've only visited the communist kingdom of Disney there. So is it as bad as it appears to us outsiders, and what do you think the draw is for people who want to move there?

I understand the East Coast snowbird thing, but it seems like moving to Florida would be like moving to another planet which wouldn't be the case on the West Coast, say like moving from Seattle to San Diego.


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My mother, my daughter, my uncle and aunt, my brother and sister-in-law, and both nephews live there. It’s a nice place to visit.


It’s all in the reflexes
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New Hampshire
I've only visited the communist kingdom of Disney there. So is it as bad as it appears to us outsiders, and what do you think the draw is for people who want to move there?

I understand the East Coast snowbird thing, but it seems like moving to Florida would be like moving to another planet which wouldn't be the case on the West Coast, say like moving from Seattle to San Diego.
I think people hate winter more than summer, FLA is huge and historically cheap (not exactly these days) and that’s it. It’s a shitty version of paradise (location with tropical weather). Confession: looks like boaters heaven, which I have respect for.


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No state income taxes and no mask mandates even though their infection rate is half of masked up California's.
The 2nd part of that is a straight-up lie.

Per capita cases all-time for Florida: 17,046/100,000. California: 12,600/100,000. Deaths: Florida: 281/100,000. California: 184/100,000.


Resident Redneck
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The 2nd part of that is a straight-up lie.

Per capita cases all-time for Florida: 17,046/100,000. California: 12,600/100,000. Deaths: Florida: 281/100,000. California: 184/100,000.

It most certainly is not a lie. You changed the parameters. I said infection rate, you are listing all-time totals.

As of today, FL has a 7-day rolling average of new case of 7.12/100K residents. CA's 7-day rolling average of new cases is 16.3/100K residents.


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No state income taxes and no mask mandates even though their infection rate is half of masked up California's.
Concluding that Florida is better than California because current case numbers are lower makes no sense. Most of the South is experiencing a decrease, but that doesn't consider what came before. Florida's case rate adjusted for population over the entire pandemic is 10th in the nation; California's is 37th.

As for your inference that a lack of mask mandates makes Florida preferable, the evidence is irrefutable that masks are effective. And Florida's newly-appointed surgeon general, who is aligned with America's Frontline "Doctors," is anti-mask and questions the efficacy of vaccines. He is not someone who should be remotely involved in public health, let alone lead it.


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It most certainly is not a lie. You changed the parameters. I said infection rate, you are listing all-time totals.

As of today, FL has a 7-day rolling average of new case of 7.12/100K residents. CA's 7-day rolling average of new cases is 16.3/100K residents.
You didn’t say 7-day rolling average as of this week. You left it open, which means all-time. How can you accuse me of changing parameters when you listed no parameters at all?


Resident Redneck
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As for your inference that a lack of mask mandates makes Florida preferable, the evidence is irrefutable that masks are effective. And Florida's newly-appointed surgeon general, who is aligned with America's Frontline "Doctors," is anti-mask and questions the efficacy of vaccines. He is not someone who should be remotely involved in public health, let alone lead it.

They may be effective. But a lack of mandates is a positive aspect to some, whether you like it or not.

You didn’t say current infections. You left it open, which means all-time.

But I did say rate. But yes I probably should have put "current" before "rate."


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Concluding that Florida is better than California because current case numbers are lower makes no sense. Most of the South is experiencing a decrease, but that doesn't consider what came before. Florida's case rate adjusted for population over the entire pandemic is 10th in the nation; California's is 37th.

As for your inference that a lack of mask mandates makes Florida preferable, the evidence is irrefutable that masks are effective. And Florida's newly-appointed surgeon general, who is aligned with America's Frontline "Doctors," is anti-mask and questions the efficacy of vaccines. He is not someone who should be remotely involved in public health, let alone lead it.
You will be hard pressed to find somebody whine more about masks… to the point of posting easily-debunked lies to try and prove they don’t work… despite the MOUNTAINS of evidence showing they do.


Resident Redneck
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You will be hard pressed to find somebody whine more about masks… to the point of posting easily-debunked lies to try and prove they don’t work… despite the MOUNTAINS of evidence showing they do.

Please prove my current rate numbers wrong if you think I am lying.

And I have NEVER said they don't work. Only that I hate them, which is why I whine.


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Please prove my current rate numbers wrong if you think I am lying.

And I have NEVER said they don't work. Only that I hate them, which is why I whine.
You are lying because you put out a general statement that you later changed only to apply to the numbers for one week of the pandemic, and didn’t preface it. That’s a lie, and the clear and obvious implication of the lie was that the mask mandate in California doesn’t work, since you specifically mentioned the mask mandate.

There are lies, damn lies, and statistics. You cherry-picked one week from a 2-year period to try and make a point, and didn’t even bother to “clarify” until you got called out.

It’s like calling the Jacksonville Jaguars undefeated, then when pressed on it, you say “Well I meant this week…”


Mama's lil stinker
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The 2nd part of that is a straight-up lie.

Per capita cases all-time for Florida: 17,046/100,000. California: 12,600/100,000. Deaths: Florida: 281/100,000. California: 184/100,000.
Yep, and his post was labeled as a result. @Herdfan vague and ambiguously false statements around this virus just to make cheap political points will be labeled, I would think about what you post in this manner going forward.

Clix Pix

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Eight Miles from the Tysons Apple Store, No. VA
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A long-time friend, someone I've known since our graduate school days, recently moved to Florida after retiring from her job. She wasn't all that thrilled about becoming a permanent resident in Florida itself but she really wanted to be closer to her daughter and her granddaughters, especially since the daughter and her husband are now in the process of divorcing. My friend was more enthused about the lack of snow and cold weather than she was about some of the other aspects of living in Florida. She's really looking forward to only seeing TV news reports or reading about snowstorms and bad weather in Illinois now rather than actually having to deal with shoveling snow and cleaning her car off before going somewhere. She waited until after she'd gotten her two COVID-19 vaccinations before putting her house on the market, selling it and moving.
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